SBoW Recap page

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Recap page for SolomonBrand of Wynnd, separated by DATE, newest bottom. This is meant to be a running narrative, and a holding place until categorization later


A return to life

With a deep breath, the world of Earth Mystical opened its eyes from a slumber. The new year found SolomonBrand looking at his pocketwatch as the minute hand clicked to indicate the new year's arrival. SolomonBrand and his sons, Khel, Tiberius,and Agamemnon (Aggie) were outside the property on Richards Street, which has adjoining nature property, and that borders on forests near Toth Wynnd. Two ne'er do wells in blue capes were spying on them, and, when approached, took off into the forest, where they began 'hunting' SolomonBrand and his boys. Showing their prowess, Khel and Tiberius turned the game on them. SolomonBrand ignited a fireball in his hand to serve as a beacon, communicating telepathically with his sons. SolomonBrand invited Aggie to detect the footfalls of the men in blue cloaks, amid the protestations that the younger son had nothing to do. An arrow was loosed at SolomonBrand , and instinctively he moved out of its way.

Khel and Tiberius eventually caught them and, after a short struggle, bound them until their father and brother approached them. The quartet discovered these were boys, and heard many things form their mouths - including that someone had paid them to play a prank on SolomonBrand . The captured duo later recanted their tale, saying that it was a dumb New Year's prank, and that them shooting arrows at SolomonBrand was just trying to scare him off. SolomonBrand taught Aggie how to make a mortal bubble, and the quartet sent the 2 through a magic doorway, causing them to begin vomiting profusely on the other side. This vomiting subsided after 30 minutes, by which time the guards that Khel had gone to fetch had arrived, and took them into custody.

A Reunion

The 4 returned home and joined festivities with the family. Ahmine and Circe, SolomonBrand's wives met him with some mild ribbing about choosing to chase boys in the forest, rather than celebrate the new year with them. SolomonBrand greeted them each with a kiss, then turned to greet the rest of the family. SolomonBrand hugged and greeted each of his daughters, Annabeth, Mirabella, Hathor Kate, and Ariadne. His eldest daughter, Shara wasn't present, as she was serving the Kelpie as part of her agreement to requisite service to become a titled noble. SolomonBrand sister, Melisande was at the house, and SolomonBrand greeted her as well. The story was told numerous times while everyone celebrated together. SolomonBrand gathered all in the house, family and staff to have a drink of the warm cider which was made specifically for this celebration. After a toast to a prosperous year, they all drank. A cup for Shara was shared between SolomonBrand and his wives.

SolomonBrand went off on his own and telepathically spoke briefly to Shara, and then went to find his wives. After declining an invitation to join Ahmine in her room, Circe went off to bed, while SolomonBrand and Ahmine went to sleep.

A new Day

The morning found SolomonBrand asleep, alone. The sounds of hustle and bustle were all around them as the children prepared themselves for a journey to Toth Barrickea for the Revel festival, a festival dedicated to fertility, virility and copulatory acts. Not precisely a family affair, but there were daytime activities better suited for families, and that was the intended reason for the visit. While looking for ways to help, SolomonBrand encountered Arden, who he greeted with a kiss on the lips, meaning it as a close friends' kiss, but Arden was ready (as she always is with SolomonBrand) to take it further. The kiss turned into a passionate embrace, after which they parted ways. When all was prepared, SolomonBrand found Vima Sunrider and asked again if she would join them, to which his seneschal replied that she would not, but will enjoy a few days of leisure while SolomonBrand is away. The younger children, who were not yet claimed by a magic order went with mAhmine who was able to travel instantly without causing illness for mortals. The balance went through a doorway which SolomonBrand opened to the home in the center of Toth Barrickea's old town..

After arriving at the house, the family inspected the 4 floors of the building which surrounded a courtyard. This house was built in a style which was reminiscent of and tributary to Emberton, the home of SolomonBrand and Meli's parents. All were presented with rooms of their own, and they began unpacking their things. The Main floor was set up to be an open area with common areas for gathering. The second floor held a suite of rooms for SolomonBrand, Ahmine, and Circe. The floor also had rooms for the younger children on the other side. The third floor was for The 3 older children, with room for expansion for more rooms. These rooms were more stately than the younger children's rooms.

SolomonBrand found Tiberius in his room and talked for a bit about blacksmithing, then Khel joined. The conversation turned into an open discussion about things of a more...intimate nature, and Khel sheepishly asked about how SolomonBrand and his wives' relationship worked. Tiberius postulated that the question Khel really wanted to ask was whether they had sex together... all three of them. The men talked about that for a while, and then they dispersed. SolomonBrand found Khel in his room, and was joined by Ahmine and Circe who overheard the tail end of a conversation about SolomonBrand's balls being bigger than Khel's. The wives expressed shock when they heard this, and Khel jumped, to which SolomonBrand replied "Seems like they are - I didn't get scared by them".

Festival prep

The family all went out to see the city as booths and tents were being set up. They wandered the streets until Colleen found them and welcomed them to the city. That only lasted a short time until everyone was ready to be done seeing the city. Khel and Tiberius took Hathor Kate to see some of the temples, while the wives and family returned home to go swimming, leaving SolomonBrand alone to go to some of the temples in the city. He went to Ra's temple, and after finally being admitted, thanks to Cleopatra's interference, SolomonBrand went to honor his patron, Ra. SolomonBrand got the impression that he should visit Ra in person soon. SolomonBrand left the temple, and wandered, along with Cleo through the city, until they arrived at a booth which was not completely set up. Cleo called with her commanding voice "Front and center, Frog!" and a figure appeared. SolomonBrand recognized this person immediately, as it was his eldest daughter, Shara. There was some conversation about how proud SolomonBrand should be of her, and how, when Shara was done, she wouldn't hesitate to leave someone suspended mid-air for a time if they harassed her more.

SolomonBrand hugged Shara, and told her that there was a bath waiting for her at the house. Cleo and SolomonBrand wandered towards the Pharaoh's Temple and the great tent city outside the walls as they talked. They talked about the reason of the festival being to bring the next generation of Kelpie. Kelpie were only female, and so they relied on men of the world to furnish them with children. Only the girls were kept, while the male children were sent to orphanages or to families outside the Kelpie to be raised. SolomonBrand asked Cleo if she wanted to be a mother, and she replied "That's not really in the cards...magic users can't get pregnant, remember?". SolomonBrand rebutted "Can't have children with mortals, you mean." Cleo and SolomonBrand both realized what that meant, and Cleo asked SolomonBrand if he was volunteering. SolomonBrand agreed to be the father of Cleo's child, if she wanted. There was discussion of other possible magic users, and something about a devil's threesome with SolomonBrand's sons and Cleo not knowing which was the father.

SolomonBrand marveled at the planning and the logistical excellence which went into the tent city. There was hot water created by solar heaters, food for those who didn't pack any, showering facilities, drinking water dispensaries... this was a place that could truly be a city if needed. Cleo told SolomonBrand that this was already a profitable venture, and that they expected to see much more income over the next couple days. Cleo introduced SolomonBrand to a Byblish street food which served a skewer of meat with a peanut sauce covering it. This was new to SolomonBrand, and he loved it. He left Cleo and went to the Pharaoh's Temple and greeted all inside. After this, he returned home, and the rest of the evening was spent standing in lines at the vendor with his wives, fetching skewers of Satay. Shara returned home, and went to take a bath. SolomonBrand took his oldest sons to go have a beer.


The accusation

Met Zosimus and Orion in the bar. Disagreement, Orion alleged Tiberius was an afterthought.

The rebuke

SolomonBrand told Orion to get the F^&K out.

The invitation

Zosimus extended an invitation to SolomonBrand and his family for the Olympiad in the summer.

The festival

The festival began, and the Uru-Meshentis enjoy the shopping. Ahmine takes it upon herself to spread the wealth among the shop keepers - a common thread through the whole festival.

The dancing and The frugging about

At night, the festival turns more lewd. Boundaries are still respected throughout the festival, though at times it gets a little much. Eventually, Mirabella and Annabethwere allowed to participate in the early parts of the festival, before it turned too... adult.

The "experience of a lifetime"

SolomonBrand, Ahmine, and Circeall decided that it would be best to sleep together from now on. this was a result of some very, very worked up people, ending in the greatest sexual experience ever.

The fall to men

Moms and Dad decided that it was time for their sons to become men, and so SolomonBrand told Khel and Tiberius to lose their virginity at the festival. They made a bet of it, and both accomplished the task.

The arrangement

Orson the 1st's first son, the crown prince, the heir apparent to Wynnd, Frederik was involved in the same arrangement as were Khel and Tiberius. SolomonBrand arranged for it to happen with a Kelpie, named Joni.

The agitation

SolomonBrand asked his wives how they'd feel about a third wife, admitting that he had feelings for Arden. They said that they would make it work if that's what SolomonBrand wanted. They weren't overly happy about it.

The discussion(s)

There was a lot... A LOT of discussions between the family about things of a sexual nature, including Tiberius and Mirabella's mutual attraction and denial. Annabeth seemed to get to the stage of obsession over things related to sex. She went as far as to peek on moms and dad one evening, when she was caught by Melisande, then by her parents. The same night, Tiberius was caught fooling around with Shyeni, and went to wait in Tiberius' room. the pair burst in and melted to a puddle of flesh, then SolomonBrand was spotted, causing Shyeni to panic and flee immediately.

Discussions also occurred with SolomonBrand and Shara about how she was alone and lonely. SolomonBrand worked with Colleen to get a way for her to feel less like that. Things got good there.

The confession

SolomonBrand confessed to Arden that he loved her, and they discussed how it would work. The only way for it to work for SolomonBrand was that Arden would be willing to court his wives and his children to become part of the parent group.

The heartbreak

The only way it would work for Arden is if SolomonBrand left his other wives and gave himself to her, only. So there was an impasse, and a parting, agreeing that they'd been dealt a bad hand.

The rekindling

SolomonBrand rekindled the friendship and closeness with Cleopatra, eventually taking her to a café in Oerendia where they talked about a number of things, including whether Cleo would ever be interested in becoming a wife to SolomonBrand. This was brought on by discussions earlier at the festival about SolomonBrand possibly fathering a child for Cleo.

The rebuff

Cleopatra didn't want anything except to be the leader of the Kelpie. That's what she's wanted her whole life, and is more important to her than the magical order.

The Heliopolitic visit

Pharaoh had immensely focused control of his power when he took the mantle. Ra showed the memories he had saved in a book to Pharaoh. This book showed to Pharaoh all the things which Ra felt were failings. they discussed that the best thing for Pharaoh to do was to rely on his best judgment, and his thousands of years of experience.

The Pharaoh's instructions

To The High Priestess, Pharaoh appeared in person at the Perch. Be excellent to each other. The order should have been at the festival, proclaiming the word. Be present for the social events - the tournaments, etc. Continue to develop and grow.

The unclassified detritus

SolomonBrand acquired all of the houses surrounding the pool and adjacent the house they stayed in in Toth Barrickea. It's called the Four Corners There was a meeting of the order, to which SolomonBrand showed up. Gretchen talked to SolomonBrand about a few things - CAMUs, Cleo on the path, etc.

The Move

The Uru-Meshentis decided that it would be best to renovate the house on Richards Street. As a result, they began doing maintenance on Foreston Keep, and were planning to move there. They reacquainted themselves with Wolframm and Serene. This is the smallest house Ahmine's ever lived in... ever.


The fashion show

Girls bought dresses and we got some for Ahmine

Convo with Shara

Done did me wrong - I know you didn't mean it, but you did it. All good afterwards. Shara looking deadly.

Convo with wives

Shara, Hurt feelings, Eginhard&Anja 50th, Calypso, Sticking together, Bast is dad's girlfriend. Came up with words to shout at them in their native tongues, meaning 'wife' Ahmine : Yunaika, Circe: Zhena

Convo with Gretchen

Clarified instructions from Heliopolis, talked about Arden some.

The Pitch

Bella and Anna pitched the idea that they should accompany us to the Old Castle Island. Sold the pitch hard. Andrew is going, he's younger than 17. Were told no because of the RSVP and the invite said specific ages. Promised to do something special later just for them.

Visiting Family

Went to see Steadig and asked if we could come visit for Aldentide. Was cool with him. Later came with Meli, Circe, and Ahmine. Reacquainted with Mayen, Joachim, and Larissa. Steadig worried that they will end up lonely - unmarried, sad and tired in the town that's failing. Made a deal with Steadig to have the three come live with SolomonBrand in Foreston and learn about the world, find spouses (hopefully). Will leave their home town in 4 weeks, will be in Foreston in 5.5 weeks.

The arrangements

Talked to Barnabas about opening a new shop in Foreston. Weaponsmithy. "Whatever it takes, Buy it." Also talked about Jewelrysmithing - Barnabas knows a couple, will get to come and participate. Discussed finding a spot near the tournament grounds. Told Barnabas to move his family if he needed to. Talked about a large bonus for keeping shop in Wynnd|Toth Wynnd running at current level, getting product moving out the door in 6 weeks in Foreston. Talked to Vima, told her to pay whatever - up to 200g (2 million USD) and get apartments and a house for Barnabas.


Showed the dagger from Eginhard to Steadig and the group there in Oerendia. Also showed to Barnabas (MasterSmith using SolomonBrand's name... based in Wynnd|Toth Wynnd)

Bought a dress for Bast - hiding it on the Private Island


Conversations overheard poolside

Who to marry to Nicodemus - Rhantic and Pashra

Why is my virginity important to everyone - Meli and Shara

Unapproachable Uru-Meshentis - Thomas Torbrand and a guest

The island run

SolomonBrand offered 10 gold to either of his boys if they could beat Shara in a race on the island, they failed.

The mystery

Went exploring with Tiberius,found ruins in a dense jungle. Near the top of the mountain is a wall, with houses barely reclaimed by the jungle. It was a strange thing to find. SolomonBrand and Shara fell from 10k feet towards the mountain, picking a landing spot to go investigate. As they approached, they were flung miles away by some invisible force. They landed in water and were drenched. SolomonBrand used his magic to dry off his clothes, and freaked out some people by the pool.

The sitchy with Ahmine

Ahmine's not been feeling well for weeks, and it's finally starting to show. SolomonBrand asked her about it, and mentioned that he's been wanting to talk to her for a while, anyway. Asked if she would bear him another child. Called Circeto discuss, the three agreed that there would be 2 new babies at the same time. Circerecommended that we get Vordai to check her out, and possibly heal her of the condition that made it so difficult to bear Hathor Kate. Vordai came, and healed her, but it was the most uncomfortable 5 minutes Ahmine had been through since birthing children. SolomonBrand and Circe went off to SolomonBrand's Island to make a baby.


Talked to Cornelius, told him a little about Archer Luminex

Played with the younger Luminex children - kinda scared Owen.


The Recounting

The Uru-Meshenti family listened to Treestump as he regaled them with the tale of his finding, conquering and losing with the tribe in the Tekampan forests.

The Reconsideration

Melisande and Shara went with the boys to the younger peoples' games. Melisande was convinced that perhaps it's not a bad thing to let one of these virile young men treat her right for an evening.

The Remembrance

SolomonBrand and his wives left the dinner party and went to sit and take in the view on the island. SolomonBrand told Ahmineand Circe that he'd been thinking a lot of Calypso and her people recently. They told him they were glad he'd shared with them. He told them that he was sure that Calypso would have loved the both of them. The reciprocated the same, saying that they are certain they would have loved her, as well. (unspoken, but nonetheless true - this made SolomonBrand extremely happy.) The Wives told SolomonBrand they were feeling a little left out, and told him there was not enough sexy time for either of them. The three chose to correct this egregious oversight.

The Reveal

After exercising, SolomonBrand took his older kids home to give them some news. After Ahmine changed to an outfit she was saving for this time, SolomonBrand spun Ahmine to his chest, wrapped his arms around her and placed his hand on Ahmine's stomach, and then looked meaningfully at the assembled kids. Shara said that she had known - or at least was reasonably confident in her presumption. SolomonBrand then spun Circe into his arms as well, and Khel, Shara and Tiberius were all surprised at the implications.

The Reassignment (of assets)

SolomonBrand and Treestump agreed to meet for lunch, where they discussed an idea to sponsor, train and run a tournament team. They would also build an academy and attract people to pay for instruction by the best team. Details of the agreement:

  • 1. When one member of the team wins the 1st place spot, all others in the finals will drop out with honor, allowing other competitors to have an opportunity to win. This is not meant to be a dominating force.
  • 2. SolomonBrand will contribute up to 100 gold ($1 million) the first year for wages, equipment and logistics configuration.
  • 3. The Tournament Grounds at Foreston will be used as the training grounds, the academy, and the place to host a team-hosted tournament
  • 4. SolomonBrand's cousins (Mayen, Joachim, and Larissa) will follow along with on the tournament circuit to see how things go. There is a chance they will become the team's smiths.
  • 5. SolomonBrand's legal and business teams will draw up the contract.
  • 6. Yet to be discussed, but SolomonBrand wants it to happen - The Team will compete in the Byblos Masters

The Recalcitrants

Melisande revealed to SolomonBrand that she and Andrew had been drugged, and although Melisande was fine, there was a nefarious ne'er-do-well on the island. Melisande described him to SolomonBrand, who went and burned the drunk out of Orson, Cornelius, and Nicodemus. A search party commenced for this man, named Clarence and also for a person who was known to have been seen with him - Truman Torbrand. The search party consisted of the following: SolomonBrand, Ahmine, Circe, Melisande, Khel, Shara, Tiberius, Hightide, Silverstar, and Sosamenes. Joining them were the guards for the place, as well as Nicodemus and Cornelius.

Truman was located by Shara, and SolomonBrand was summoned. Truman was placed under arrest for conspiracy to poison the kings' Son.Truman revealed that Clarence was staying with him, and that Truman had invited Clarence. SolomonBrand got permission from John Torbrand to search the place where they were staying. Eventually, Hightide and SolomonBrand discovered a large bag full of drugs in Truman's Room, where there were obviously 2 people staying. As SolomonBrand exited the room with the duffel in hand, Khel dropped SolomonBrand's call crystal, saying that he'd found Clarence.

Requiem for a drug dealer

SolomonBrand invoked his right as Lord Imperator to claim Clarence's life as a slave. SolomonBrand took Clarence through a doorway, where he discovered that Clarence had immense magical potential. SolomonBrand asked Bast if Clarence's heart could change, and she said any heart can change. Bast recommended that if Clarence was to be killed, to make it happen quickly, because torture sometimes would cause magic users to break through. SolomonBrand offered Clarence a choice - on this divergent path, one path ends with Clarence being sold as a slave, the other was an arduous journey wherein Clarence could change himself. Clarence chose the path of chance, and SolomonBrand told him he had magical potential. SolomonBrand prayed on Clarence's behalf to Nephthys for courage, to Set to accept the sacrifice of his evil ways, to Anubis to forgive the imbalance of his heart, and to Ra to light his footsteps. He then took Clarence to enlist in the military. SolomonBrand told Clarence that he would receive the same opportunity as SolomonBrand had had himself - he was to be sold to the military as a soldier. What he became afterward was up to Clarence and the effort given.


Minerva Gawain got a dream fulfilled. SolomonBrand treated her to the greatest sex she'd ever had. It wasn't pure sex, it was loving and focused on Minerva's enjoyment. SolomonBrand did this because she was lonely and he could help with that. He had Circe's permission, and he later recounted the experience to both his wives.

SolomonBrand spoke with Pawrahn and learned about the tradesmark for Wayland the Smith's blades. This truth was revealed to Eginhard that the blade he had given SolomonBrand was, in fact, a Wayland piece.

SolomonBrand invited Eginhard and Anja to live with The family full-time. Eginhard said they had some travel left, but he appreciated the offer.

Melisande was caught by Shara kissing Andrew. Melisande disappeared, Andrew was extremely apologetic, and explained hurriedly that Melisande asked him to kiss her. Andrew was kissing the top of her head.

FUTURE CONVO - Pharaoh had a conversation with Anubis regarding SolomonBrand's decision about how to handle Clarence.


Orson and SolomonBrand had a conversation about the Smoldering Society? SolomonBrand didn't think it was for him, but had an a idea about a fivesome, and Orson is onboard. Conversations, discussions, logistical challenges and agreement ensued.

SolomonBrand went to observe Eginhard and Anja at Ahmine's request. They had a cold and were pretty miserable. SolomonBrand had Aerin come and heal them. Aerin feels she's taking money from SolomonBrand because nobody wants her services when she comes. Vima promised to have some customers for Aerin on Wednesday.. some of the more chatty staff.

Vima had received an offer to replicate her position as the head of the King and Queen's staff. She didn't want to go, and paid SolomonBrand large compliments about how he had created an environment where she felt loved, and she didn't want to leave.

Eginhard asked SolomonBrand to spank Ahmine in front of the crowd. He did so, and Circe rubbed Ahmine's bottom to make it feel better, in front of the assembled people in the cabana. Circe told SolomonBrand that Vordai told Circe "Today is the day", so the throuple went to try and conceive children. During pillow talk, Ahmine wanted to say something, but decided it was best to keep it a secret for now, because every time she started to say it, she felt like she'd better not.

Lunchtime came, and Circe said that she thought she knew what Ahmine was hesitant to say. Circe asked if SolomonBrand thought Meli would be offended she was not invited. SolomonBrand got up to go find Orson and see how an invitation to Meli would be received. SolomonBrand also promised Circe that he'd have a conversation with Rhantic about whether Rhantic liked Circeor not.


There was a continuation of the numerous conversations leading up to the polyerotic licentiousness taking place the next day. These conversations included asking Rhantic whether Circe being there was going to spoil the mood, to which the queen replied that it might, but probably not. SolomonBrand then asked Rhantic if Meli being there would spoil, and SolomonBrand's friend had some mixed feelings about that. There was a similar conversation between SolomonBrand and Orson, where Orson drew from SolomonBrand the idea that our protag was indeed attracted to his sister.

SolomonBrand had deep, weighty and intense conversations with his wives, then with Meli, who revealed that she had desired to "possess her older brother" since she was in her 10th or 11th year. SolomonBrand then had another conversation with his wives, at Meli's request. Finally, SolomonBrand and Meli disappeared to a home in Lightning Island where Meli ripped SolomonBrand 's shirt off (literally) and they....cuddled for an hour


The sleepover

The uhhh... fist of destiny event happened. (5 participants). Meli bailed early on the party. It was spectacular, and stretched to the day after as well.

The pursuit

Upon returning, SolomonBrand went to find Meli and talked with her. He discovered that she is still having second thoughts about any kind of relationship outside of normal siblings with SolomonBrand. She left the party as a result of this indecision/ confusion

SolomonBrand touched Cecily's mind and found that there is an unusual connection there. SolomonBrand found and pursued Cecily, and they had a good time together. He ended up kissing both his wives while he tasted of her.

The reveal

Shara is SolomonBrand's Favorite Child. She is more like an equal to him than his daughter. They discussed a relationship with Meli.

SolomonBrand setup a candle-lit location for intercourse and offered Meli whichever kind she wanted. They talked for a bit, SolomonBrand suggested that she go see Horus, her patron. SolomonBrand also went to see Horus, and ran into Meli on her way out of the temple. As SolomonBrand came in the apartment for the night, he went straight to Meli's room to tell her something, but stopped when he saw that she was having sex with an unknown person. It turned out to be Circe.


The Tournament

Treestump and Phillipe came to sit with SolomonBrand's family group. Commentary ensued throughout the course of the events.

During the tournament, SolomonBrand realized there are really 3 kinds of people here.

Those born to luxury and nobility. These are complaining about there being no pavilions to cover them from the sun. If it's not luxurious, it's crap.

Those born to higher classes or to tradesmen and have worked their way to nobility. These, like Arthur are part of families of status and name, but took a route through the military or some other route to become nobility.

Those born outside of privilege... to poverty or near-poverty. There are several of these types of people here at the tournament. SolomonBrand, Melisande, and Circe are examples of this. SolomonBrand was blessed greatly to be placed in a position of opportunity, and was able to climb his way out of the lower classes. These appreciate the blessing of being here at an event like this Aldentide celebration with the King and Queen of Wynnd.

Three events

Archery - Not much in the way of tournament-level competition. Ultimately, Donovan Strand wins with a score of 135.

Wrestling - 10 competitors, the winner of one match-up was voted out of the final four. Treestump is audibly and publicly laughing. He's not mocking, but can't stop himself from the show that's in front of him. Carrick Ulster wins this event. Carrick is a man who is round, but large and powerful. He knows how to use his weight to his advantage. Treestump remarks that this is the kind of person who would benefit from the training at the new Tournament school.

Passage of Arms

The new fun game. Phillipe, Treestump, and SolomonBrand discussed some changes that would need to be made if this were going to be included in a masters' tournament - more gates, less downtime between matches.

Men's groups - 16 teams, Khel and Tiberius had apparently dominated the games throughout the celebration, changing the default tactics used, and prepping everyone for one specific type of strategy. The brothers changed their strategy and tactic at each meeting, upsetting their opponents' strategies. Khel and Ty dominated, going undefeated until the final four, when Khel had an opponent go low on his legs, and cracked his femur. Khel was magically healed, of course, but that put Khel and Ty out of the running. SolomonBrand offered to take Khel's place, and Tiberius declined. This was the brothers' thing. SolomonBrand told Tiberius he was proud of that decision. Erik & Torian Greene, sons of Count Dees Greene won this event.

Women's groups - There were a lot of beach bunnies who wanted to play, and they were quickly outpaced by the few groups who took this seriously. Eventually, one team of ladies was the clear victor - this team was comprised of Dida Gawain and Simone Kane.

The Wind-down

SolomonBrand went to read a book on the morning of the tournament, and found Cecily Swan. He told her that he would meet her later, without thinking that it was the tournament, and so he recanted his promise. They met again the morning of the last day. They were talking about her desire to have a child with Baron Swan, and also about her religious affiliation. SolomonBrand mentioned that the order of Heliopolis had not only a goddess of fertility, but a Patron god of Parents. SolomonBrand was too bold in his speaking, and mentioned killing the Baron. While talking, Cecily suddenly opened her book and began reading. SolomonBrand stood, knowing what was coming. It was too late, Baron Swan saw them. He insisted that Cecily leave with him, and she did. SolomonBrand tried to finish the book about the History of Tekampan, but his head was not in it... thinking of his irritation at Baron Swan.

The final day of the celebration was spent in relaxation.

Because there was extra time while Ahmine was re-packing, and because he had been told that there was nothing for him to do, SolomonBrand went alone to the Beach and exercised his magical ability. He worked on reversing the waves of the ocean. It was difficult, and he expended a lot of power, but was unable to accomplish the task. Meli surprised him by walking up to him. Meli and SolomonBrand had conversations about her sexual experiences, particularly those since she was a gem girl. Meli told about some issues Alix had.. nothing specific, but indicated that the sexuality between them was the beginning of the end for them. She told SolomonBrand that she had spent the night with Donovan Strand. The two siblings talked for a while, until Meli had said everything she needed. She then left, slapping SolomonBrand on the butt as she walked off.

The family group arrived at social hour at about quarter after 5. This hour and dinner was spent talking to a few others, every person going off to meet someone at some point. During dinner, Donovan Strand came and crouched near the table by Meli, and asked her if she was planning to be at any of the tournaments. He expressed his sincere hope to see her again at one of the events. Khel and Tiberius began harassing her about her boyfriend, and she threatened them. They continued until they felt it had gone on long enough.

SolomonBrand went and said farewell to Minerva Gawain. He also caught Cecily's Eye and winked at her. He noticed that she was wincing as Baron Swan gripped her side. It was pretty clear that Cecily had been beaten.

The Traveler

Ahmine's ability to travel with people has increased so much that when the family travels, it's usually her that takes them everywhere. The 7 Uru-Meshentis gathered in the main room of the house, and traveled back home, to spend one final night under the same roof before Khel, Tiberius, and Shara all had to return to their posts.

The next day, SolomonBrand and his wives met with Linnea. SolomonBrand arranged for paperwork indicating the transfer of the Godswood he privately owned in Wynnd|Toth Wynnd to be sold and claimed by Linnea. She indicated that she would eventually try to get the ownership back into the hands of the Lightning Bearer crown. SolomonBrand didn't say it, but he knew that would be a long battle. After the deed was transferred, Ahmine offered fast travel to Arthur and Linnea, as well as to Marina. While at The Monastery, the throuple went to visit Aggie, who was preparing to engage in martial training with a shield and spear. He was in a hurry, but it was a good reunion.

The various

SolomonBrand made sure that Marina was expressly invited to sit with the Uru-Meshentis at every event. While SolomonBrand was arranging paperwork, He felt as if her were being watched. He discovered that his 2 youngest daughters were spying on him, as they had been to Vima as well. SolomonBrand told the wives about this, and will have a conversation with Hathor Kate, specifically about her behavior (upcoming).


The date with Ari

begin of story

We went to Lighting Island and had dinner at the Drinking Horn.


The Uru-Meshenti throuple discussed Shara and her living conditions, as well as the fact that if they indeed compelled her to change her service and living space, it would be the same thing that they were getting upset with SolomonBrand over regarding Annabeth's punishments. They all agreed to let her make her own decisions and hope that she would see that she needs to change her mind.

The Uru-Meshenti throuple discussed rules for Annabeth and Hathor Kate. For Annabeth, they agreed that they would tell her the rules, reemphasize them as needed. Ahmine took point on this one, as she is most like Annabeth. Ahmine told Circe and SolomonBrand that she was a rebellious youth, and her parents were kind of sick of her. She eventually sorted it all out, though.

For Hathor Kate,, they discussed the idea that they could encourage her to practice her hiding skills, while not invading others' privacy. They all agreed that Hathor Kate, would try to hide from SolomonBrand. Circe talked to Hathor Kate, about this one.

Bedtimes were established for the children at home. For Hathor Kate, and Ariadne, their bedtime is 9:00. When they are in their 14th year, until their 17th year, bedtime is 10:00. 17th year and older - 11:00 is bedtime. When they are in their 18th year, they are considered adults, and can decide their own schedule, as long as they were being adults- training, working, magical use, etc.

SolomonBrand went to visit Damian to ask about having Aggamemnon come home while Justin is visiting. Also, when are you coming? Marina is scheduling this. The 2 brothers talked about Damian's difficulties in the church. SolomonBrand suggested to Damian that he not try to straddle the line, but take the mantle of the High Priest of Troy, and make decisions...right or wrong. SolomonBrand told him that someone would remember him for the bad decisions, and some for the good. All would remember that he made a decision, not remained inactive. They supplicated on behalf of each other and their families.

SolomonBrand went to find Aggamemnon while at the monastery. He snuck up on Aggamemnon and Borean and listened to some lewd conversation and jokes. SolomonBrand was discovered, and he had a conversation with Aggamemnon about Pharaoh. Aggamemnon learned that his father's name for magical and religious items was now Pharaoh, and that when dealing with the other stuff, he was SolomonBrand. Aggamemnon asked how he should behave, and SolomonBrand told him to not bow to him.

SolomonBrand had a walk with Cleopatra |Cleo from the steps of Pharaoh's Temple to Colleen's office, right through the center of town. There was a peculiar quiet whenever they passed people - ripples in a pond. Cleopatra |Cleo took great pride in being seen having a casual conversation, side by side with Pharaoh. Cleopatra |Cleo offered her opinion about how Pharaoh should be, from the perspective of someone who had spent her whole life worshipping and protecting the Heliopolitic religion.

SolomonBrand had a conversation with Colleen about his ascension and his reveal, as well as about Shara. SolomonBrand learned that it was not Myalla who was the political enemy, but others, named Priscilla and Drottnia. SolomonBrand wanted to clear the air about Cleo's knowledge of his title, so there was no mistake. Colleen said that she thought Cleo was overly sensitive about her shortcomings in politics. Colleen asked how she should address SolomonBrand, and asked if he would stay away from Toth Barrickea for a month to let the administration get a handle on things.

Cleopatra showed SolomonBrand where Shara's apartment was on a map. She told SolomonBrand about the conditions - it was essentially a half-height hole dug by someone. Cleopatra also said that Shara had been told she can eat in the commissary. SolomonBrand took a walk through the streets of Toth Barrickea one last time for a month. While walking, He talked with Bast, and she indicated he should take the mantle as soon as possible after all the fervor.

SolomonBrand returned home to find Ahmine and Annabeth discussing her behavior and rules, and Circe talking to Hathor Kate, about hiding. It was agreed that Hathor Kate, would show how well she can hide. It's a skill everyone wants her to keep developing. With some playful banter about SolomonBrand eating Hathor Kate, from the middle out, and him hunting her down, the game was agreed. They went to the forest, where, along the way, Serene wagered a copper that Hathor Kate, would best SolomonBrand. Hathor Kate, and SolomonBrand also had a wager - if the hider won, she could hide one day per week in the house, with some rules about not spying on people through closed doors. If the hunter won, Hathor Kate, had to show SolomonBrand exactly how she hides. The circle was drawn, Circe covered SolomonBrand's eyes, and Hathor Kate, hid. SolomonBrand wanted to find her naturally, but was near the circle as a back-up, he didn't want to lose. Lose he did. Hathor Kate, got to the circle, surprising even the moms who were actively waiting for her to come near.

Later, the parents were discussing this, and Circe said she thinks that Hathor Kate, is using magic. Because Pharaoh had heard the supplication, he couldn't say anything about this. They began getting ready for the dinner that evening with Treestump, and while they were waiting, a messenger from the military presented 2 scrolls, each an Announcement of Graduation from basic training, along with an invitation to attend the ceremony, held in 4 weeks' time.

SolomonBrand asked Shara if she could come to the event, and she agreed. They also discussed that she was doing better, and Shara asked her dad to help her buy the building in which she was living now. SolomonBrand went immediately to Vima to secure it, and there revealed his new name, Pharaoh to Vima. She knew already. SolomonBrand told Vima

SolomonBrand, Ahmine, and Circe went to The Lion to have dinner with Treestump. They talked business for a minute. There are 2 fighters who will be competing this year. A name for the school was established. It's called the Treestump-Brand Championship Academy. Because Pharaoh needed to be gone for the next 3 days, SolomonBrand told Treestump to move in and make what changes were necessary. He had the purse, so do what needs to be done. All business concluded, they ate, and when dinner was almost done, Treestump talked about a "...Blood spot on an otherwise white cloth. We are dining with an actual god, is that right?" SolomonBrand related the tale in broad strokes, and told Treestump about swimming the river of time.

Dinner concluded, and a drunk SolomonBrand went home with his wives, neither of which had drunken any alcohol that evening. They went to bed, and SolomonBrand awoke at 6:30 the next morning, and woke his wives to tell them he was leaving for his duties as Pharaoh. Pharaoh took the mantle, and Bast was there immediately. When asked how he felt, nothing felt different. He felt like he always does. Bast asked him to flex his power a little bit, and Pharaoh was lost for a century of billions of years. He was unaware of surroundings for about 2 minutes, but he had seen the rise and fall of a human, of worms, of stars... had seen atoms recomposed form a rock to a snail, had seen many amazing things, from a small flex of his power.

He related the experience to Bast, who told him that he was as full-time Caretakers were. That he had control and mastery of his power was a good sign. She recommended he go somewhere to interact with people, bearing in mind that any one of these people he may encounter was a potential casualty if he didn't really have control of his power. Pharaoh chose a lone traveler on the road to Toth Barrickea from Emberton. He approached, and asked for water, of which the traveler gave him a sip. When asked where he was headed, the traveler said he was going to Toth Barrickea. Pharaoh told him to see Pharaoh's temple... his temple. The traveler asked "Oh, is that where you worship, as well?" Pharaoh replied "I am Pharaoh." and left.

Returning to Bast, Pharaoh related the tale, and said that in this state, he would like to address the Order this morning as Pharaoh, empowered as he is. He asked Bast to accompany him. Until that time came, Pharaoh began hearing supplications.


Convo with Ra

Amenhotep was almost gone by the time SolomonBrand met him in the past. Most everyone knew Pharaoh, but only a few knew the other name. SolomonBrand is a Caretaker. He can't use the power all the time, but he is. He was called, not Pharaoh. SolomonBrand and Pharaoh are not 2 separate people - they are roles. SolomonBrand has a limited life expectancy - from the time he became Pharaoh, it was bound to get out, and there would always come a day when the responsibilities of Pharaoh would subsume SolomonBrand to the point where the name ceased to exist. Told a little about Robert Zeus and how he tried to build faith, but he was a different Caretaker before. Pharaoh asked about what to do while he had the control, and Ra said that Pharaoh had turned a corner to the point of not ever being below a certain threshold of power. Ra told Pharaoh that Isis and Osiris almost always need help.

Follow up

Bast showed SolomonBrand more abilities at the Table of Fate. He was able to influence the pathways of a few people. Spoke to Isis, She wanted to know if Pharaoh was trying to steal devotees. Pharaoh assured Isis that he was not, and Isis agreed to accept his help in the form of a power dump as the mantle was fading. Pharaoh did this. SolomonBrand asked Gretchen to call another meeting where he could reverse the information given to every one about him becoming Pharaoh, and tell them that he wanted to be SolomonBrand as long as he was able.

Current time (flashback done)

Hellenius came and talked business. Hellenius can teach SolomonBrand how to do an inspection. They agreed to meet in Foreston in a week to go through a property. Told Hellenius about Aggie's desire to run the business, talked about training a Mage that's too young. SolomonBrand talked to Ahmine and Circe, then went to handle some other things. Talked to Aggie, who drew a shaky doorway home.

Talked to Shara. Shara had been starving herself, SolomonBrand reminded her that she can conjure food - Shara had forgotten. SolomonBrand conjured food for her, and told her to eat. She ate too much, vomited, then fell asleep on dad's lap. Called wives, they all cuddled together. Cleo called SolomonBrand, met in the cloister to talk. SolomonBrand told her about the name change not happening,Cleo asked his opinion on what to do with a unit that was disobeying orders. The talked for a bit, it was because this was Shara's old unit who were complaining about Shara being dismissed. Myalla had left to go investigate movement in the southern part of Wynnd. Breena, the second in command hadn't taken care of the problem, because her daughter is part of the unit.

SolomonBrand reported this to Shara, who said that she would take these girls and finish training them. SolomonBrand told her to think through it carefully, because that might make enemies of the Kelpie. Shara thought they were already enemies, and SolomonBrand told her that was not the case. They argued a little bit. Shara went home, feeling much better about things.

A scene played out, where a drugged and ornery landlord thought Shara would be easy bait. He weaseled his way into Shara's newly-remodeled underground palace, and Shara ended up leaving him in Tekampan. Soon after, Shara went to get him, and exacted a promise from him that he would never talk to, approach, or come into Shara's house ever again. Shortly after this conversation,Cleo came and set Shara straight about a number of things, including that Shara was being silly to be here torturing herself to spite a bunch of girls, all of whom were below her status and power.

SolomonBrand went to get the girls from school, and ran into his wives there. The schoolteacher, Professor Alfunken indicated that the older girls were rapidly approaching the point in time that he could no longer teach them anything. Professor Alfunken also indicated that Hathor Kate was sometimes moderately distracted. SolomonBrand, Ahmine, and Circe took Mirabella, Annabeth, Hathor Kate, and Ariadne home, where they had a talk with the girls. SolomonBrand told all the girls that he was the god, Lord Pharaoh. They asked what kinds of things he did while he was Pharaoh, and he answered that he heard and answered prayers and supplications, at which time Hathor Kate's eyes grew as large as dinner plates.

Catching up with Hathor Kate after the talk, SolomonBrand quickly realized that she knew she was not going to be able to be in the order of Heliopolis. Hathor Kate began to sob. The conversation continued in Hathor Kate's room, where SolomonBrand said "Mama Circe thinks you're using magic to hide. Is this true?" and the truth came out. There was a lot of conversation around this fact, and SolomonBrand went to find Aion and Taliesin. They were both in council, and would be for a month, SolomonBrand was told by an attendant. SolomonBrand supplicated Japet, and wrote a message on parchment to Aion about what was going on. He went home, and the wives asked him if he had been to Heliopolis, which he had not. They talked about doing everything they could to help Hathor Kate. SolomonBrand agreed, and went to his shrine room, where he supplicated Lady Hathor and Lord Ra. He received inspiration to go the the Temple of Osiris, and so he did.

SolomonBrand donated power and asked that Osiris speak with him. Osiris appeared, and they talked about the problem, specifically. Osiris reinforced the message Pharaoh had received from Hathor earlier, about this being difficult to change, and SolomonBrand asked Osiris for his boon to change this for Hathor Kate. Osiris asked if SolomonBrand was sure this is what he wanted, and the answer was yes. SolomonBrand went home and talked to Hathor Kate, Ahmine, and Circe. He told them that what was discussed was sacred, and that it would not be discussed outside this room when the conversation was done. SolomonBrand told the story, and then told Hathor Kate "I don't ever talk about what I want, but I want you to spend all your free time researching the order of Cheiron, and see if Japet will call to you." Hathor Kate had already promised to stop using the power of an order she was not willing to join.

SolomonBrand got out some books for Hathor Kate to read, and then SolomonBrand left again, and went to the temple of Japet, where he prayed until his knees and ankles hurt. He supplicated for some sign for Hathor Kate - if it had to be her, and not Annabeth or someone else, then please show her why this order was great, change her mind, and SolomonBrand would cancel the boon. As SolomonBrand was leaving, he saw Aion walking across the open floor, reading what was presumably the parchment SolomonBrand had written on earlier. Aion said "I don't even know where to start with this one. Follow me"


The scene with Shara and Bella and Anna Field trip.. womanly problems met at Quiet Tree in Foreston

Conversation with Mithras - He tripped

SolomonBrand locked out of the Temple of Japet

The talk with Hathor Kate - visit to Temple of Japet - Met Taleisin (again)

Met with Treestump at tournament grounds. Treestump says he can do everything, SolomonBrand just has to be here to finance.

Met Count Taman Chagyl of Tekampan wrestling/ melee - Large like Treestump. 30 lbs heavy. SolomonBrand has to look up when talking to him.

Earl Adota Kang of Meentsu. Almost exclusive to joust.

Visiting Meli at the Oseireion - People watching? she's digging by hand. Asked her to help with the kids while Circe and Ahmine go to do their stuff

Conversation with Anna - rules, fairness, trust, and sex

Conversation overheard with Bella and Anna. Bella still worried that she'll be kicked out.

Convo with Wives - Bella hiding something.


Convo with Bella - What are you hiding - won't tell, but promises to tell later. SolomonBrand agrees to not do anything except what she asks.

Second field trip - meet Shara, Shara again says Dad should know. Bella agrees to tell moms and dad later.

Hathor Kate spying.

No news about the Cousins. Checked in Niallis, Boltise set sail with 3 people and 3000 lbs of cargo - Toth Saffira, Synhoven. Never arrived. Checking through books, got to Van Kalmar, then was called home for the meeting.

Bella spills that she has a sister, named Menekeradayon (Kera). Contract owned by Todagog Flint - the worst of the worst. Rumored to be magic user, auctioning virginity for Kera. Discussed many plans. SolomonBrand went to visit Accolon, he suggested a few additional ideas. SolomonBrand called Nelson, brought him in to do some recon.

Agreed on action plan

  • 1. Nelson tries to negotiate for the girl outright - if fails
  • 2. SolomonBrand goes in with Imperator's Will, someone takes Kera from the complex. Tells Todagog "Be reimbursed or not, I don't care. I'm taking the girl. Feel fortunate I am not taking everything."
  • 3. phythering machine + Shara + Cleo + 16 Kelpie and some magic users on the outside, kill any combatants, take all the girls, bring them to Lightning Island, they need wives.


The late night visit to Professor Alfunken - Kids will not be in school. Hear a female voice as the door closes "Who was that?"

Meditation on the Rimbauds and on Kera - nothing much here, though I feel at peace with the Rimbauds - not turmoil

The early morning visit to Orson - Going to be charged with 18 counts of murder, Nelson implicated. SolomonBrand won't apologize for killing Black Order members. He'll apologize for killing guards, and make monetary restitution for any lost property or employees

The visit to Nelson - you'll get a summons. SolomonBrand reveals frustrations about having been a good, honorable member of the nobility, and yet, here is the throne about to let him go through a trial because of the Black Order deaths. Nelson provides information about the pirates - M.O. Revealed - hide off horizon, wait until nightfall, approach in the dark. They don't touch Lightning Bearer ships

The interview with Bella - Bella wants Menekeradayon to be a member of the family now. Moms and Dad talk to her about specific challenges. Moms were a little hesitant about doing it now...let's see if she fits, and offer her in 3 months. SolomonBrand says that's kind of like trying on clothing... Either she's our daughter or she's not. Moms and dad agree that we should adopt.

The interview with Menekeradayon - SolomonBrand tells Kera about his and Meli's past. Kera wants to say yes but needs some time to talk it over. Offered adoption willingly and openly.

The conversation with Aggie - Find Aggie (very tall, now) working shirtless on a brick wall. He has no objections, SolomonBrand and Aggie talk about the fact that he may not be living at home again, and that he will have to work hard to build a relationship with her like a sister. Be at the house at 6 for dinner.

The conversation with Khel and Tiberius. SolomonBrand tells them that she is gorgeous, so that they are aware, and warns them that Kera may chase one or both of them. Talk for a while about how it won't be a problem, and that they are both probably not going to be living at home, and so will need to work hard to make her feel like a sister. SolomonBrand tells his sons that he has a different view on incest than others. If it's consenting adults who understand, then there is nothing wrong.

The walk and conversation with Hathor Kate. something on her mind, finally relents, and talks about how she feels a little bad, that she finally has attention for her magic, and it's only for like a day, because of Menekeradayon. SolomonBrand tells her that she's ok. They talk for a while. In the woods, Hathor Kate tells SolomonBrand a little more about her magic. She can see 2 of everything, as if they are superimposed atop each other. People are always duplicated - can see the past few seconds, as well as potential futures. Hathor Kate correctly guesses what SolomonBrand is thinking. SolomonBrand tells Hathor Kate how rare that is and builds her up about how neat a gift that is. Ends up carrying her back to the house.

SolomonBrand continues to look for cousins. At the port in Synhoven, the dockmaster asks "Where are all the ships?" they discuss that it'd be a shame to sink them all. SolomonBrand has lost 35 ships... 1700 sailors. Travel to see Hellenius, asks if they can afford 500 silver/ year for each ship to hire a Felix to be aboard. SolomonBrand returns to his study, and starts charting any possible locations where ships could be easily hidden. Works for so long that he is late for dinner. Asks Khel to make a deal out of Hathor Kate's magic. Khel bodily picks up Aggie out of his chair and takes that seat for himself, right next to Hathor Kate. SolomonBrand changes for dinner to appease Ahmine, and then joins the table. Dinner fades into the celebration, where each person introduces themselves or reintroduces themselves to family that has been away for a while.

Everyone goes to bed, Ari is allowed to stay up with everyone else. Shara's room is separate, at the top of a turret-ish. Bella, Annabeth, and Menekeradayon all end up for a slumber party in Shara's room. They start talking about sex. Reveal to Kera about moms and dad all having sex with each other, even moms together. They have an open-ish relationship, where each of them have other partners, but it's all in the open...they all know about all of them. Shara mentions Cecily Swan as one of dad's affairs, Annabeth mentions that she thinks Dad is having an affair with Meli. Shara tells Annabeth that she is seeing things wrong, but Shara knows that SolomonBrand has feelings for auntie.


Watching training - All the girls went to see the fighters at the tournament grounds. Talked to Taman Chogyl, he's looking fit. Young Karl Malone-ish

SolomonBrand took Hathor Kate with him to look for his cousins. No new discoveries.

Went shopping, Annabeth wanted leather armor because it was cute. Shopkeeper made an "armor shirt" for her. Also made epaulets with the school's logo on it.

Went home to talk to Meli, she expressed difficulty with feeling pressured to do everything, but at the same time, knowing that she has millennia to do all the things.

Communique from Cleopatra - King wants to see us. Went to palace, was told that SolomonBrand and Cleopatra would be arrested. SolomonBrand lost his shit. Threatened chief legal. Later submitted to the king. Cleopatra took SolomonBrand to a room to talk, he lost his mind a little more. Swore against heavens... "No one in the earth or the heavens listens to me." - He felt really badly about this, and will have a lot of penance to make.

Political enemies requested that there be no revealing of who they are., they have taken up the charge against SolomonBrand. Cleopatra and SolomonBrand are arrested, Cleopatra is shackled. Orson commanded that SolomonBrand would not be shackled. They are to spend 48 hours in a room in the palace, under lock and key.

A scene played out where the plaintiff was in her office, and a lone figure walked in, conversation commenced. Kelpie claimed to be rightfully there on crown land. Merchant woman said "Blatant misreading of the law". Struggle, Kelpie drove merchant's own blade into her heart, then copied Merchant's handwriting and wrote on a parchment on her desk "I regret my blatant misreading of the law"


Cleopatra and SolomonBrand talked about caretakers and gods, SolomonBrand told Cleopatra that they shouldn't have this conversation now.

Runner came to get SolomonBrand and Cleopatra with urgency. Walked in the door and heard "What do you have against SolomonBrand?" Luther answered "Too much power"? Something about murdering people?

Doctor's report - was suicide. Plaintiff's attorneys rejected that it was not a murder. Talked about how they paid the doctor and that he somehow owed them a different explanation

Released from Holding, went home. Reconnected with everyone there, wives included.

Paid 50G fine, contributed another 50G to the cause for saving underprivileged girls from sex trade.

Was showering, heard someone walk in, went out to see, and found the door open.

Dinner that night. Talked a LOT about magical lives. Kera interested, Bella still a little hesitant.

During dinner, loud noises, Cleopatra nad SolomonBrand investigated. Meli guarded the children. Found 3 oak trees grown up through the roof in the foyer. Cleopatra pushed closer, and was sucked into the trees like water through a pipe. 5 seconds later, she called SolomonBrand "Don't know where I am" dropped a call crystal, was about 200 yards from the keep.

SolomonBrand took Menekeradayon to his study, where he showed her the copy of Archer Luminex' history of the world, with the notes of all the orders and the gods. He then told her that he was a god. He told her this because she would eventually hear it, and was making an effort to include her as a daughter immediately. SolomonBrand wants to remove the separation from their relationship.

Scene in Shara's room with the girls - Kera asked about SolomonBrand being a god. Anna told her about what Circe told her - he is sometimes a god, but he's always dad.

Woke in the morning, exercised. Went back to the office. At about 10, Hellenius knocked, said "Do you know you have an open doorway in your receiving room?" SolomonBrand prepped for a fight, Hellenius was going to go through with him, but the doorway closed as soon as SolomonBrand walked through it. Saw a figure on a bench, turned out to be Merlin. The two chatted quite a bit. SolomonBrand asked Merlin to teach him how to send a doorway for someone. SolomonBrand told Merlin about the strange things that had happened. his 2-d painting episode, the doorway fizzling, Mithras tripping... Merlin didn't know about any of that.

Merlin revealed that Nimue was finally out of his life for good. She had stolen a Fersterren Skaad from Merlin. SolomonBrand asked him what it was like being under her control, and then told Merlin about Cecily Swan. Merlin knows Cecily, and she has a secret, but it's not Merlin's place to tell the secret. Described Nimue as blonde, classically beautiful. SolomonBrand said "You've just described Cecily". Nimue and Cecily are not the same person.

Merlin revealed something Lord Troy had told him about SolomonBrand's children and them being called by different orders. A lot of this was something Ra had told to SolomonBrand already, but this was different, since Merlin was telling him. SolomonBrand could take a little leeway with this now that it wasn't told to him directly by Ra. Shara was the most powerful, and she was chosen from before birth. Hathor Kate has the most potential. She was chosen by the Cheironic order because they have first dibs. Heliopolis chose the sons for the order. The orders chose children in order of seniority. Merlin asked if SolomonBrand wants to know the fate of the other children, SolomonBrand said yes.

Annabeth will be called by the Travelers, like her mom. Ariadne will be called by the Felixi, and will be powerful, though not as powerful as others.

SolomonBrand returned home, and met with Hellenius. They went through a property together and evaluated it, looking for all the information needed. This showed SolomonBrand what he will need to do for the rest of the properties.

A scene played out where Nimue approached the black throne, where sat Chennyth. Nimue told Chennyth that Merlin was finally under her control. She had broken him. Presented the Fersterren Skaad, and the discussed that this was one fewer weapons he had.

A scene where a mysterious man walked into a smithy and asked for the world's greatest sword, the attendant said "You'll be wanting to speak with Brutius, then?" Through a series of events, Brutius found himself face to face with a man who offered "More money than he can dream of" to make "The greatest sword ever made" and to secure Brutius' place as "Better than Wayland." Brutius told him to come back in a week, and the man left a small box of dexenium as a deposit. Brutius didn't want it in his shop,. but the man insisted.


Exercise with SB's girls

Menekeradayon's nervousness about going back to Toth Wynnd

Convo with Treestump

Looking for cousins

Bast's projection

The Cartographers' guild

The book merchants' street

Delivery to St. Algez for Cecily

Gift of the books


The news from Cleo for dessert

The conversation with the King

Brief convo with Silverstar

The Graduation with the reception line

The Baron from Lumens house

The Earl who thought himself too important for others

The dinner and celebration

The scene and reporting of Priscilla being tricked into admission

Priscilla's punishment

Becoming Pharaoh - baseline of about 65% control

Elan was an elemental - replaced by someone new, now.

Showed Pharaoh how to project

Answered supplications

Returned home - Foreston, no longer the Windsor Street estate

Went for exercise with my magical children (except Hathor Kate)

Want to take Hathor Kate for pilgrimage - Meli was told by Ahmine or Circe that we were going.

Hathor Kate and I decided to go just us two.

Went to tell Meli, saw doorway flash, clearly had been getting intimate with someone

Ending scene - Wives discussing finding out who it was that was visiting Meli.


Dude in the clearing Shadan Roy.

Woman in clearing Anyalisa Alanez

Creature names

Wilfred Ulster-Picketts - tourney champion potentate


The staircase at Roi Soleil - introduced the Children to it and showed them how it's not a normal spiral staircase

The secret passages - Bransen said there are 16, but only 7 are known

Scared Hathor Kate - was in the passageways, sneaking around. SolomonBrand pretended to not see her, then at the last moment, scared the crap out of her.

The Mantle and the Ankh - When the Mantle descended, Pharaoh was alone, which was unusual. Bast Told Pharaoh that he had an artifact that he needed to take care of. Transported to Ra's garden, then another doorway to Lady Ananke

The chastisement - Expected earlier. Ra tried a new method, (the ankh). Ananke told Pharaoh that he was _dangerously_ close, and made sure that he knew what was what.

The tourney grounds and meetings - visited the team to hear about schedules and find out plans.

The scene with Gretchen, Khel, and Tiberius - Gretchen told Khel to tell his father. Khel wants to figure it out on his own... said he would feel like a failure if not.

The exercising - Shara had convinced Anna to run - Anna wasn't happy. Various happenings with exercises

The BJ - Circe not feeling well, still took care of SolomonBrand's needs.

The trip into the city - Sons went by themselves, Shara took the 5 girls. Meli and the throuple went all together.

The investment of the throuple - Ahmine told SolomonBrand that she felt an investment in the businesses, the school, the properties... asked SolomonBrand how he felt. SolomonBrand told his wives "It's all _ours_"

Showing Wives the School's tent - nothing really here - just showed them

The banquet - opening banquet, announced the new exhibition. Arimus is _old_

The gift from Nelson - discovered 100+ year old whiskey from a distillery. Made it a gift in 2 crystal jugs. First person to receive any.

The sampling of the centurate wiskey - S-T-R-O-N-G

Silverstar got a second name - unknown right now

The mourning of Brutius of Miiltaan - SB made a memorial for him by his tent.


The weird exercise - saw deer and foxes

Went to get the schedule for the fights, ended up hearing rumors about SolomonBrand's cousins still alive. Coleon the Smith told me about the rumors.

Wandered around the tournament with Bella and Anna, met Earl's son... {firstName} Eldriss of Tekampan

The Pirates - Told Meli, eventually called me to go see a group of them. Went to see them in an ale tent. Went to the center of the room where the clear center of attention was - McLean of Wessex. Mclean told SolomonBrand about a specific targeting of his ships..."Someone trying to bump you off the list". McLean is a pirate, takes bounties as he needs them. Says he won't attack one of SolomonBrand's ships if he knows it's his at the start. SolomonBrand offered a job to put an end to the raiding of SolomonBrand's ships. 4 figures. Also said there would be a reward for info or delivery of the Rimbauds. McLean said to be at this same ale tent tomorrow at 2.

The party in the box. Everyone wanted to talk to the Uru-Meshenti kids. Funny scene with Meli and a young guy. Shara looking longingly.

Arrangements for the party - younger kids going with parents- explore city. Meli has a date (Duke Caleo of Meentsu) - date didn't go well. Older kids all went together.

Khel and Tiberius acting strangely... took them to house in Lightning island, made Khel spill. He can't use magic since the Bindele. Planning to go help him learn the cleansing ritual tonight after party, etc.

MISC: saw Baron Loris of Miiltaan at the archery - it was pretty good. Seems honorable. Adota injured - lost his match. Taman won through skill. Opponent's coach (father) kicked out. Treestump won his match in 30 seconds...was like a boa constrictor as he wrapped up his opponent.


The conversation with Treestump about the fighters and their need for a father figure. Treestump wasn't overly thrilled at the prospect of needing to be that father to the fighters. This was mostly because Treestump didn't think they needed it, though there could be a need for younger fighters.

The wrestling match - Baron Asula Eldriss (father of Gabriel, the boy Mirabella likes) is distant cousins with the wrestler Treestump will face. 1st round - feeling each other - no points scored. 2nd round - a couple feints, and then a real shoot for the leg. Treestump started wrapping him up, but the bell rang at exactly the same time as the final count of the pin. Tekampish wrestler conceded "Saved by the bell is no save at all"

People in the box for the rest of the day's events. Gabriel Eldriss was there, tucked right next to Mirabella the whole afternoon.

The suggestion - SolomonBrand suggested that we can host a party by invitation to Roi Soleil, including some staying over. Arrangements made, counts made, etc... presented final plan to the family the next morning at breakfast.

The evening party - parents and all children in their 15th year or older are invited. Held in a place with a mezzanine - kids below, adults above. Shara didn't want to come, but moms and dad talked her into coming.

Both Cecily and Alonzeau Swan came to speak with SolomonBrand. Orson, Rhantic, Arthur, Linnea all gathered. Our corner became the one to be in.

At the party, Baron Eldriss asked to have a dinner with the parents and Mirabella along with Gabriel. arranged for the Wynndar masters season.

Received formal old-school marriage proposal for Shara to marry count of Mulapan. In his 50s. Had a convo with Shara about the difference of growing pineapples and coconuts. Told him my children make their own decisions, but I will present his offer to Shara. Told Shara about it the next day, she thought about it, but ultimately decided no. Shara will tell the count no.

Annabeth and Frederick were seen kissing, publicly. Met Laurien, what a perfect leader of a country. <tee-hee>

Came home from the party, Girls told parents and Auntie Meli about the events of that evening (goo-goo eyes at the boys). Mirabella was nervous about telling her beau Gabriel and his parents about her past.

Kelpie convocation. Elected new leader - finalists were Mariah, Episkia, Priscilla, and Cleopatra. Mariah voted as leader. Confirmed by Colleen. Cleopatra was devastated. Found Khel in the temple of Nephthys.

Cleopatra called SolomonBrand the next day and almost cried. Said she realized she has no friends, and was a little lost. SolomonBrand helped her realize she can do other things. Said Khel prolly saved her life.

SolomonBrand invited Cleopatra to the tournaments. She enjoyed the fights enough she came back to the Box and asked about buying clothes, etc. Was told how much it cost for a make-over. Went to Colleen, who was meeting with Mariah. Told both of the leaders that Cleopatra was going to focus on herself for a while. Asked for 10 silver. Didn't know how she would live, but she will, anyway.


There was a scene with Arden and Gretchen, Arden was asking for permission to leave the order and go back to the mages

Convos with Vima and Hellenius - discussion of offering a bounty.

Took Circe, Ahmine, and Annabeth to The Richards Street house, where we met Charlie the construction worker, and he showed us around.

From there, I let Annabeth choose from houses in Lighting Island, Emberton, or Van Oerendia. She chose Van Oerendia, and we went to find the house.

Having never been there before, I ended up dumping Ahmine and myself in a fountain. We walked to find the house, and Ahmine joined me a few minutes later with Annabeth and Circe. In the mean time, the housekeeper came an introduced himself as Sebastien

He got the keys, and we went in to look at the house. There was a new barn on the property, and the fence line had been moved a dozen paces shorter of where it should be, per the drawing.

Talked about calling this place "Fountain Home" this is in a section of Van Oerendia that allows foreign mobility to purchase homes in the city.

Annabeth came with us, because I didn't want her moping and being stagnant, where she could choose to be miserable all by herself.

There was a snippet of a conversation I overheard between Kera and Annabeth, Kera was saying something like "If you're not ready, you may not get to marry him at all."


Conversation with Tiberius about him taking the Earl of Emberton title. He's decided that he will do so.

Conversation with Paul Lumens Galloway - Annabeth can work for Annika for 6 months as a Lady's maid, then will work for 6 months as chamberlain's assistant.

Conversation with Annabeth - Told her about her going to work for Paul and Annika. She starts in 2 weeks. She will miss the Tournaments, etc. No special treatment. Also talked about Annabeth's primary duties - Be a good wife, bear children. Told Annabeth that she _will_ be called to an order. Suggested to Annabeth that she pray to the gods, they will listen to what she wants.

The death of SilverStar - in scene, saw Calibos sneak up behind her, slap an inhibitor bracelet on her, threw her off the cliff where she was sitting, watching for stags. SolomonBrand was the first contacted by Gretchen who knew about something happening because she's the head of the order. SolomonBrand told Ahmine, Circe, and Annabeth about SilverStar's death.

SolomonBrand went to Toth Barrickea - to Set's temple. Said reverences to Set, felt a presence next to him. Opened eyes, it was Khel. They embraced, and they left the temple to discuss some things. SolomonBrand and Khel discussed SolomonBrand's role in helping Khel, Khel said that any other person in the Order doesn't have a million things to do, and that's why SolomonBrand wasn't asked originally to go research in the library. SolomonBrand told Khel that his number one priority was to the family. Took Khel to Ra's temple, showed him passages in the Book of Life - "Where great blessings are bestowed, so comes with it a recompense of great service and obligation", and some other similar passages.

Met with Cleopatra outside Ra's Temple, where Cleo told SolomonBrand that her role was to help Khel by transporting him around places. SolomonBrand took Khel to the Ranch House on the bluff above Toth Barrickea, where Moms came and had a quick reunion with Khel.

SolomonBrand went to be Pharaoh that night. Among the usual things, there was a distinct absence of Cleo's supplications to Pharaoh. Lord Ra wanted to speak with Pharaoh, so Pharaoh traveled to Heliopolis - to the Garden of Ra. Ra told him about the petition from Arden to leave and join the Order of the Mages. Pharaoh's vote was needed, and was provided as "It would be cruel to not allow her to join when the Mages were so willing to let so many go to form our order. But we don't want her back if things go awry in the Mages"

SolomonBrand returned home, and slept. He awoke at 6:31 the next morning.



Balthas and Morris discussing ransom for Ahmine

Anayer tells Ahmine to go home

Balthas and the traitors burn down the temple

Tiberius' strenuous exercise regimen

The convo with broken Annabeth. Annabeth feels like she should just accept that she will not marry Frederick.

The convo with Mirabella - feeling left out and a little sad that her engagement isn't foremost priority.

The convo with Circe and Ahmine - recapping and Annabeth

The convo with Circe - recap of events

The girls - Ahmine, Circe, Mirabella, MenekeraDayon, Ariadne went to go find Gma and Gpa in Oerendine Riviera.

Inavin is next in line for the throne... if Tonorelm dies....


Finished conversations with Hellenius.

SolomonBrand Went to find Ahmine and Circe, because Hellenius wanted to express condolences

SCENE: Stranger at the door, Vima beguiled even through the barrier and invited him in.

Stranger was found sitting with his arm around Hathor Kate, all girls were completely enthralled by him. Ended up being Lord Osiris. Asked to talk to SolomonBrand privately. SolomonBrand showed him through the house, Osiris commented that it's not surprising that Pharaoh doesn't spend more time in Heliopolis, when he lives like this in mortality. Osiris asked about Arden, and whether Pharaoh gave his ascent to have her leave the order. Osiris also told Pharaoh he was required or 48 hours beginning on the morning of the third day from now. This was to be the same morning as Annabeth leaves for Bish to begin her service.

All the girls went to town to buy gowns for Mirabella. Tiberius went with them.

Contacted and met with MacLean in Meentsu at the Dancing Crane. Told MacLean about the plan, MacLean helped finalize and firm up plans... then agreed to help. Paid MacLean 5 gold to manage this.

Talked to Steadig. Steadig is old. Aged 20 years in the last month. Forge is cold. Told SolomonBrand "You've given me hope". Also mentioned his sister, Willow. 6 years younger than Laela. Joined the priesthood after a dude came to get her in her 15th or 16th year.

SolomonBrand began searching for aunt Willow. Stopped at the grand monastery in Troydon, Talked to Damian after seeing Damian negotiate a peace and common ground with the two factions. Aggamemnon took his dad down to the records room to begin searching. Ended up talking to Zosimus, Zosimus knew of a younger Felix named Willow. Didn't want to get hopes up, but set up a meeting for SolomonBrand, Melisande and Willow. Turns out that Willow is the same person as Steadig described. They caught up with each other, and Willow said she needed more time... this was a lot to deal with. Meli and SolomonBrand told her that they would be around a long time, and Willow didn't need to feel rushed into anything.

Morning of the summoning, SolomonBrand spent an hour early in the morning cleaning Thoth's temple.

Met all the caretakers, 50 or so on a bridge overlooking the sea (maybe a river valley?) Pharaoh was told of the coming of Thoth's passing.

Ra summoned Pharaoh to his house. Explained how Caretakers move up in ranks, asked if Pharaoh wanted a chance to take a permanent role. Pharaoh declined.

Parties to commemorate the life of Thoth - story telling and much laughter. IN the evening, with the final rays of the sun, Thoth lay upon a golden bier and evaporated into stardust.

Party to mourn his passing and loss. Pharaoh stood to sing, and found an ancient song upon his tongue - unmistakably old, and unfamiliar, but Pharaoh knew it as if he'd sung it his whole life.

Pharaoh stole a selfish moment and went to look on Annabeth. Gave her peace to sleep so that she would be able to go about her day.

The next morning, all were gathered again on the bridge, and The announcement was made that Anubis would become Thoth, and Geb would become Anubis. The role of Geb will remain unfilled. The seal/ pendant of Geb was removed, and disappeared, as if dropped into an invisible bag.

SolomonBrand returned to the mortal realm after a full day of being dead after 48 hours of having the Mantle.



Inavin - Finds king dead - scene with other duke "Are you the king or not?"

Cleo and Khel and robbers... then intimacy

Brancen and the Curator and the boyfriend. - Brancen won't steal SolomonBrand's collection, nor will he tolerate it being stolen.

The party - Frederick gets scolded by Tiberius

Meeting with MacLean and unknown guy - "Let his people go"

non-scene events

SolomonBrand pretended to be Ahmine while she was away helping her order help the people of Byblos

SolomonBrand and Tiberius moved everyone to the new rented house for the tournament

Made plans for the parties and invitations - including hosting a youth party and a dinner for SolomonBrand's banner lords

Talk with Ahmine after she returns about how we'll have to interrupt the tournament to go see a coronation of Inavin



Chennyth in the same temple... three cronies are with her, they start annoying her, she sends them packing. She enters a vault or storage room of some kind, and thinks aloud "It's here, in this room." She searches for something, and when she finds it, we don't get to see what it is.

Chennyth talking to Balthas, who has taken over the order again. She tells him that he's in her seat, and that she will soon take it. Balthas reminds her that the master has forbidden them from killing each other. He mocks her for believing in a Nameless God that presides over the order. Chennyth tells Balthas she found the Chalice of Domination, and has known where the Chalice of Suffering has been for 200 years. She's headed to get it right now. Balthas tells her to let him come with, she could use his help. Chennyth breaks free from his influence, and magical darts pierce him - not fatally. She leaves, presumably to get the other Chalice.

Non-scene events

Date with Ahmine in the booksellers' avenue. She finds a super rare set of books from her childhood.

The dinner with Prince Amen-mose. Ostentatious and opulent display of everything. Everything planned without any issues, only the best. Carriages are met at the portico by escorts appropriate in number and gender to the carriages' occupants. Everyone was led to a room where the prince makes a "Count of Monte Cristo"-esque entrance. the room is silent as he descends the stairs. This party is a Who's who event. Dinner was served in a fairly non-fancy way. the quality was good, but it wasn't hoity-toity.

First day of competition - Adota loses to Wynndar Baron Murdoch. Taman wins against Wynndar Sgt. Skiff.

Lots of people wanting to come to my box. Among those who wanted to join were Gabriel, and his family friend, Baron Zish. Zish is the guy that Shara spent time talking to last night when she went with Gabriel and Bella.

Saw a cute young girl staring at SolomonBrand...or so he thought. Turns out Chloe Gawain was staring VERY intently at Tiberius. We found out her name by SolomonBrand asking Borean to go find out for us. Borean is quite socially adept,and simply went to ask about her. He then invited her to come to the Wrestling match with a large group to cheer for Taman. Meli was left at home, asleep. SolomonBrand promised to never leave her behind again, after asking Meli's permission to wake her.

Aggamemnon was in charge at home for the opening ceremony dinner, and we found out that Hathor Kate had given him a little grief, but he'd put her firmly back in line.


Hathor Kate and Shara ended up in a Godswood that Shara didn't know about. SolomonBrand and Tiberius went for a walk, and ended up at the Godswood. There, they encountered a Räddvarg, and Tiberius tried to protect his dad from it.

Orson had asked about Tiberius being the new CAMU to replace Silverstar. SolomonBrand had convos with Tiberius, Gretchen and Circe about this.


Discovered at breakfast that the house was highly transmittable to high frequency sex noises, and it sounded like Circe and SolomonBrand were banging in the rooms of everyone in the house. Bella and Ari were embarrassed about it when Meli brought it up. SolomonBrand decided that he was going to work towards a specific fitness goal. Bella was concerned about her figure and wanted to look her best for the wedding, so she and Kera were coming with for morning exercises.

Day 4 at the tournament was great - all the fighters from the school won their events. A great time with the Luminex family, where Aggamemnon and Owen were both included with the men. SolomonBrand asked the ladies about Bella's experience with the "Mean girls" as Rhantic called them. Gave her the advice that she's "In the club" but they just needed to figure out what to do with her. Advised to be herself and not let them push her further than she wanted. Rhantic reminded Bella that she was the fiancee of the King's attendant, who had the ear of the king, and also that her father was one of the most politically influential people in all the world. Advised her to have confidence.

Day 5 at the tourney was pretty laid back. SolomonBrand went to see NoLI and his family. Also went to see Baron Loriss and went to speak with him after his match. Congratulated and lauded him on a stellar performance. As the family were preparing for dinner at the Tekampish house, Tiberius mentioned to SolomonBrand that he had done things he wasn't proud of. Without pushing too much, SolomonBrand reached a dead end and Tiberius wouldn't tell him more details. Shara gave SolomonBrand wolf ears without him knowing. Ahmine made Shara remove them, and later kinda climbed her case about it. Shara apologized to SolomonBrand, SolomonBrand forgave and forgot it. SolomonBrand had dinner conversations with 2 "high status" ladies who were all but quaking in their boots because they were in the presence of real power (lol)

The next morning, Tiberius showed SolomonBrand his advanced running course. It was a side of a hill that became less stable with each trip across and up the face of a collapsed mountain. SolomonBrand tried again to corner Tiberius to find out what was going on, Tiberius refused to say. As they were working up and down the mountain, Gretchen sent a notification that there was to be a meeting of the order in 30 minutes, all were required.

The meeting was short, but it was essentially a reaffirmation of us missing Silverstar, and also that Arden had left the order for the mages' order. Afterwards, SolomonBrand and Gretchen went to talk, and they discussed that there were some changes in the caretakers, more info to come next time SolomonBrand had the mantle.

We followed Cleopatra through a doorway to where Khel was camping. They spoke for a while, and they flirted with each other. As things heated up some, Khel suddenly heard something, and he stopped. Khel followed the sound of what he was hearing to a draw in the mountains, where he saw a lush oasis around a spring. In the spring, there was a beautiful woman seated upon the rocks. Khel quickly fell to her powers, and she hypnotized him to reply "yes" to her questions after she removed the enchantment. Khel fought against the hypnotism, and almost fell, but then felt a tap on the shoulder, and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Lady Bast and Nyx the Naiad spoke briefly, and Nyx expressed her regret that she couldn't live as a mortal for 70 years with Khel as her husband and father to her children. Bast explained that she was watching over the line, and that Nyx can't have this one.

Nyx restored to Khel her part of the blessing of elemental magic, and Khel returned to Cleopatra, who said that she tried to watch, but was frightened away by a void of blackness which threatened to eat her soul. Khel and Cleopatra compared notes, and they decided that the void was probably generated by the God who visited Khel. Khel didn't see the face of the god, but knew they were there.


Scene: MacLean and unknown figure discussing. U.F. wants to know how much time he has before SolomonBrand comes and obliterates his operation.

Johnny Gallowglass actually saw SolomonBrand's cousins - the island is like a city with dormitories and medical facilities, etc. Johnny Gallowglass is a legendary lawman, Maclean doesn't like him because Johnny Gallowglass caught the Rangers so many times.

Delivered good news to Steadig. Steadig wouldn't mind seeing Willow again, but doubts it would be good for her.

Dinner at the Drinking Horn - Ball of Kerrymuir "Singin' balls to your partner, your ass against the wall, If ya never been had on a Saturday night, ya never been had at all."- Llewellyn Littlemore. Ariadne was caught singing the song absentmindedly.

The free day - went to inspect properties in Byblos. There is one house that might be good, will need some retrofitting. SolomonBrand said that he'll foot the bill for mercenary builders.

Convo with Commander Jenkins, Tiberius' and Khel's commanding officer. - Tiberius would be assigned a different post in Wynnd, not with the family in Byblos

Conversation with Tiberius. Cleared the air with Tiberius. Tiberius talked to SolomonBrand about the "bad things" he had done with a girl who is a magic user and said that this can only be physical. He's falling for this woman. TiberiusTold SolomonBrand that he would not reveal the name of the woman. SolomonBrand convinced Tiberius to try Chloe Gawain... give her a chance.

Banner Lord dinner - in attendance and in order of arrival: Melisande, Paul Lumens-Galloway, Damien and Marina, Wolfram, Hellenius, Colleen

Scene: Annabeth and Annika. Established a phrase (teacup conversation) to indicate that they are completely serious. Went to see a bard show.. Annika's brother Hugo was in town. He played with Llewellyn Littlemore and Wyatt Wanderweaver. Wyatt Wanderweaver was performing in Bish this evening with Hugo.

The Bad news from Hellenius - 18 months to insolvency.

SolomonBrand asked Melisande and Shara to assist him when the time is right to go kick ass. SolomonBrand told the wives about the shipping issues. 1 in 5 crossings were lost, average was 1 in 30.

The day of the finals - just sitting down in box, about to watch the sword event.

Scene: Vordai was picking berries, ambushed by Chennyth and some other BMUs. Chennyth wanted the Chalice. Vordai said it was her candy dish. Chennyth compelled Vordai to make a Mages' Covenant with her that Vordai would retrieve the candy dish, and they would not kill Vordai. Vordai retrieved the dish, and then Chennyth said "The thing about Mages' Covenant, is you have to complete them with your power." Since the shackles were on Vordai, the covenant was null and void.

They tried to kill her, Vordai was fighting them off as best she could. More BMUs appeared to prevent Vordai from entering her cabin. Aerin showed up just as they reshackled Vordai. Aerin dove behind a tree and grabbed a handful of call crystals and hurled them to break them. At the tournament, doorways for Tiberius and Melisande opened at the same time. They went through the doorways, and Tiberius physically charged at the assailants, tackling the big one to the ground. Ossian and Melisande joined the fight, and started making headway.

Back at the Box, SolomonBrand gets a voice in his head from Melisande "Vordai's hut... NOW!" SolomonBrand waded through the doorway fully tumescent (magically) and joined the fight. As soon as he saw the BMUs, he drew the Peregrine Bow. He locked eyes with Chennyth and she said "Oh F^&K" as she tried to roll for cover. SolomonBrand shot at her and hit her, clean through one of her sides. He kept the assault as she drew a doorway directly beneath her, but SolomonBrand wasn't sure if he got her a second time or not.

SolomonBrand continued to rain magic bolts on the BMUs, killing several as they were about to get the better of the group of Priests. He summoned Calen's Fury and started towards the big one, who had pinned Tiberius against the magical barrier of Vordai's hut. One punch connected, and Tiberius was dazed. SolomonBrand arrived at that moment and sliced the assailant clean through. Innards covered Tiberius. All BMUs were down, when Aerin ran for Vordai, who was on the ground, pinned to the earth with a dagger, clean through her. A shout, and SolomonBrand went to help. SolomonBrand asked Melisande to check on Tiberius, and tried to help Aerin.

Aerin was cloven as well, and bleeding quite badly. Aerin was trying desperately to stabilize Vordai, and told SolomonBrand to slowly pull out the knife from Vordai's chest. As SolomonBrand pulled, it was cutting Aerin's fingers. SolomonBrand tapped Merlin's mind and told him that Vordai was dying at her hut. All seemed to be a losing battle, with Aerin bleeding out and Vordai a few breaths from death. Merlin came and took over healing. "This is not a mortal wound, Vordai. I can heal you...if that's what you want. Nobody has earned rest more than you, if you desire to pass to the next life." Vordai said "I'm so tired." Merlin replied "I know. Aerin needs a few more centuries with you." With that, Merlin healed Vordai, pulling out the dagger and tossing it aside.

SolomonBrand held Aerin, and put pressure manually on her wound, while Aerin stitched herself together. As soon as SolomonBrand could tell that Aerin would not die, he leapt up to go check on Tiberius. Tiberius was dazed, and had a broken cheek. About that time, Vordai sat up and came to look at Tiberius. She healed the young hero, and then Aerin and Vordai went into the hut to rest. Merlin extracted from them a promise that they would lie low for a few days to recover.

Vordai told the group that Chennyth had said that she collected the Chalice of Domination and the Chalice of Suffering. Neither SolomonBrand nor Merlin knew what those were. They both promised to go research.

SolomonBrand and the others searched through the bodies of the BMUs and retrieved any shackles and other artifacts. Among them were 2 pairs of shackles and a shadow cloth. Other odds and ends as well, but not much of value. The group stacked the bodies, and SolomonBrand opened a doorway to Darkholm, the HQ of the Black Order. He threw the bodies through the portal and then closed it. Merlin asked SolomonBrand to walk with him, where Merlin cautioned SolomonBrand about being careless about falling to the Dark, and that opening doorways to Darkholm was dangerous. "There's nobody that would be a greater loss than SolomonBrand" said Merlin. The pair spoke about many other things as well, including Arden, training magic users before they were fully grown, and how the Mages' Order needed a leader.

SolomonBrand returned to the box after cleaning up, and recounted the details to the family who were all completely enthralled by the events. SolomonBrand told his wives what a brave man Tiberius was. Aggamemnon told SolomonBrand that he had missed Treestump winning the finals. There was cheering, but because of the commotion, not much cheering from the Uru-Meshenti box.


SolomonBrand sees Treestump and the others in the tent, wishes them well as they head off to begin traveling to Meentsu. Baron Lorris wins the bow with a perfect score. Murdock wins the Joust.

Championship dinner - SolomonBrand, Ahmine, Circe, Melisande, Shara, Mirabella all go.

SolomonBrand is up late, and wants to check on Melisande after her ordeal. She doesn't want him to stay, so he goes to bed in the spare room. Melisande wants to talk to SolomonBrand later

Dinner with the Miiltaani nobles - hosted by Earl Erastus Kilgore. Erastus asks to be considered for part of the school as a sponsor. Prince Amenmose asks for SolomonBrand's time to discuss business. SolomonBrand affords him some time at the beginning of the Meentsu Masters. Ahmine and Circe surprised to hear that the Prince's home is in Toth Barrickea.

SolomonBrand researches the Chalices, finds that there is more detail in the books which he had already "mastered". Finds that Seshat is still in love with SolomonBrand. SolomonBrand tells her that he loves her, but is not in a place to give her the love she deserves.

SolomonBrand hears more details from Vordai about the Chalices, is told to find a book called "The Book of Principles of the Inferno" which is relayed to him as somewhat of a collection of tall tales told to children. SolomonBrand visits libraries all over the earth, as well as a bookseller to find a copy of this book. Visits Toth Safira, Van Oerendia, Toth Wynnd, Deepdale.

Scene: Cleopatra and Khel in Desert. Hot, hot hot. In the morning, the next canyon over, is the test Khel needs to perform. The two get up to a little nookie, and then have to cuddle to keep warm in the night. Cleopatra wakes, finds Khel missing. Cleopatra panics, goes searching for Khel. Finds him atop a rise, overlooking a basin which is clearly unnaturally hot. In the center of the Basin is a Giant Black Scorpion the size of a Blackhawk helicopter.

Khel finds his way down to the basin, despite Cleopatra's protestations and attempted interference. Khel tells Cleopatra that he knows what he has to do. Zannzana, the Elemental Beast of Fire tries to scare Khel, but Khel stands fast. Zannzana sends Khel over the hill to get a fat sheep. Khel buys one from the sheep herder after negotiating a better price, and returns to Zannzana.

Khel asks for Zannzana blessing after telling the scorpion about the strand of golden hair given to him by Nyx. The Elemental Beast gives Khel 2 pieces of Chitin. Khel falls unconscious, and ends up being burned rather badly. Cleopatra convinces Khel to get healing, Cleopatra calls Aerin, who's not available because of the previous day's events at Vordai's hut.

Treestump wins the melee - Frederick gives the award. SolomonBrand sees Treestump off from the tournament grounds, wishes him well.

Everyone decides that it's best to go home, so they start packing. SolomonBrand ends up getting a call from Cleopatra, and takes the moms with him to see Khel.

Mirabella wants to attend a social event with the Tekampish, so she gets ready.

SolomonBrand goes to speak with Melisande, discovers that Tiberius has been sleeping with her. Melisande is the mystery woman about whom Tiberius told SolomonBrand earlier that week. Melisande explains it all, says that it's over. Melisande says that it's not fair to Tiberius, since every time they had sex, Melisande wishes it was SolomonBrand, not Tiberius.

SolomonBrand comes home to his wives, and says they need to have a conversation after Mirabella leaves. The conversation happens, Circe sees clearly that Melisande wishes it was SolomonBrand. Circe had spoken with Melisande previously about this.

While the throuple is conversing, Shara pings SolomonBrand, says that the three of them have a visitor. They go investigate, and it is Gretchen. Gretchen tells them all how much she enjoyed spending time with them, but that's not the purpose of her visit. Menhit has spoken to Gretchen and made it known that Tiberius is to begin the Trials as soon as possible. Tiberius will report to The Cloister in the morning.

Aggamemnon is devastated by the news, but puts on a brave face, all the same.

SolomonBrand goes to relay this news to Commander Jenkins, who asks a few questions and then says he will pause the service for Tiberius. SolomonBrand then goes to Bish to see Annabeth. SolomonBrand asks Annika if it's acceptable to speak with Annabeth, and Annika tells SolomonBrand that Annabeth is not a slave, but is like a little sister. They arrange to have Annabeth back in the morning, and SolomonBrand leaves to get his wives.

Annika rings a small bell, and Annabeth comes. When she sees her parents, she collapses in tears. They all share a moment of greeting, and then take Annabeth home. The family is delighted to see her, and they tell the news about Tiberius, then about the family relocating to Byblos. Annabeth is overwhelmed by the news, and needs a bit to come to grips. Annabeth tells about the bard show, much to Ahmine's displeasure. Annabeth sings "Roses in the Valley" - a folk song she's learning. She sings it beautifully.

Everyone goes to bed. SolomonBrand awakens in the morning.

Scene: A boat touches a wharf and is tied off. McLean knocks on three doors and says "We're here. Come out." Behind the doors are SolomonBrand's cousins. After some exposition, McLean calls SolomonBrand and tells him that his cousins are on the dock, so come and get them. Mayen is passe about the whole experience, just glad to be safe. Joachim wants revenge, and Larissa is madly in love with McLean.

non-scene events


The Departing - Ahmine left for Byblos, Tiberius left for trials, Annabeth left to return to Bish

The Reunion with cousins, Pt1 - SolomonBrand meets his cousins on the dock in Toth Safira

The Conversation with Meli, Pt 1 - Meli talks about her feelings with SolomonBrand, while they are walking about the city

The Kiss - Meli lays one on SolomonBrand

The Conversation with Circe - SolomonBrand Retells the events of today to Circe.

The Reunion with cousins, Pt2 - SolomonBrand takes his cousins to see their father in Niallis. There is much rejoicing. There's a little bickering when the cousins find out about Willow, their long-lost aunt.

The change of plans in Byblos - The house in the countryside is not going to work, so Ahmine and Circe are looking for a new home for the family.

The Conversation with Meli, Pt 2 - SolomonBrand goes to find Meli and they discuss today. Meli reveals some insecurities about SolomonBrand's wives and how they must hate her.

Scene: The Chalices - Chennyth demonstrates their power by killing a hanger-on in Darkholm

Scene: The Nightmare - SolomonBrand dreams of Chennyth compelling Hathor Kate to make a Mages' Covenant with her, forcing Hathor Kate to be Chennyth's apprentice.

The Show must Go! - Annika tells Hugo that the show has to leave Bish, because Annabeth is a target of too much affection from the bards and the crowds.

The Conversation with the King and Queen - Reaffirming that their children should still be wed?

The plans for the upcoming events - who's going where, etc.


Migos, Harene, and the Children of Osiris - Pharaoh's Rock

Toth Memphis

Conversation with Colleen and Mariah - discussing Prince Amenmose

Confrontation on pirate island

The death of Martin and <wife's name> (pirates)


SolomonBrand learned a bit more about Prince Amenmose, including that he claimed to be a direct descendant to the ancient Barrick ruling family.

Tiberius completed his first step in the trials and then jumped right back into the second.

Ahmine found a perfect home for the family to move into in Fanos, and determined that it could be ready quickly.

Annabeth was about to get smooched on by Hugo Lumens, but Wyatt Wanderweaver stepped in and stopped what was happening.

SolomonBrand was experiencing some anxiety about Hathor Kate that came about as deja vu.


Everyone wins at the tournament first day.

Webster tells SolomonBrand there's an invasion on the western front of Oerendia.

Aggamemnon and Borean go to watch and support Amren Reese.

Young adult's party - Kera holds her own, Shara, Frederick and Annabeth are talking. Shara tries to break them up, but not on purpose.

Annabeth talks to SolomonBrand about bards and music.

Meli comes home smashed, things get hot-n-heavy between SolomonBrand and Meli. SolomonBrand tells her to stop, doesn't want their first time to be while they are drunk.

Scene at Forreston, Calibos asking for children. Circe summoned, calls SolomonBrand. SolomonBrand murders Calibos, disintegrates him into ash. Finds call crystal in the ashes, ends up being Aggamemnon's. Aggamemnon recounts the story of a man lending his power to him and Borean, forced them to make a call crystal.

SolomonBrand sees with his own eyes the conflict in Oerendia. Phillipe lances a cave troll.

Gretchen and SolomonBrand called before Osiris. Artifacts need to be dealt with. Also instructed the pair to find out who took them and how. Seshat told SolomonBrand that the name of the priest was Akhenaten, and is a caretaker now. Which caretaker is not known.

SolomonBrand suggests destroying them. Eventually Ra agrees, will present plan to the other 5. They want their artifacts back.

SolomonBrand takes Gretchen to the House of Books, they work together and categorize the artifacts, have a list of what to destroy and what to return and other things that they don't know.

Tiberius finishes his last trial, ends up being gone for 5 years. Returns home.


Treestump loses, Tells SolomonBrand that there was a mystery man offering a sum of cash to allow Meentsu to win. Treestump declines, there's a lot of noise while Treestump tries to sleep

Meentsu sweeps the masters

SolomonBrand and Gretchen kicked off of the project, Horus and Melisande are tasked with the discovery and the handling of the artifacts.

SolomonBrand becomes Pharaoh, talks to Ra. Ra tells SolomonBrand that he didn't do anything wrong, but that Osiris is distracted... too many irons in too many fires. Pharaoh summons the Avenging Spirit to protect a young girl.

SolomonBrand receives a prayer from SolomonBrand from SolomonBrand's dream - it _IS_ the bad feeling that's been surrounding Hathor Kate. Later that night, Bast appears to SolomonBrand in his dream and asks him to recall the vision he had, and to cement that and remember it when SolomonBrand wakes.

SolomonBrand tells his wives, Aion, and Hathor Kate about the dream. Aion says she'll redouble her efforts and supplications to have Hathor Kate accepted for training.

Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. Feels like a kind of sexual awakening for Hathor Kate.

Scene:Khel makes it through the long crawl in the tight spaces. he's lost a lot of weight, being stuck for several days. Gets a tooth, but has to exchange the little pouch on his belt. Has no way to carry it back. Khel is on the verge of madness

Scene:Baron Loris flees immediately after the tournament - Threw the match amid pressure from Meentsu visitor

Scene:Mirabella arrives in Tekampan to a stately manor, despite the protestations that it's not much

Scene:At the battle front - Necromancer seems dead, awakens and seizes control of the LT's brain. Chaos ensues, Phillipe dies.


Kera flirting, tells SolomonBrand that "When you think I'm old enough, I want you to be my first." SolomonBrand gets a little buzzed. Circe and SolomonBrand engage in fantasy play while Circe relieves SolomonBrand's tension.

At dinner, Orion tells SolomonBrand "There is a capture contract for Hathor Kate"

Funeral for Phillipe - very sad and somber.

SolomonBrand asks Tiberius to be special protector to Hathor Kate. SolomonBrand also tells Meli about the capture order.

Meli asks SolomonBrand how to find out who a caretaker used to be. She goes off on her quest.

SolomonBrand goes to visit Annabeth, discovers a bard festival. Hugo trying to punish Annabeth for not sleeping with him, so she can't sing with the group. Henry of Emberton arrives, invites Annabeth to sing... it's magical. Henry wrote some of the folk songs that everyone knows.

SolomonBrand and Aggamemnon go to visit Baron Loris, who's competing in the Olympiad under the name of Lagertha of Lighting Island. SolomonBrand tells Lagertha that she's got an ally. Aggamemnon invites Lagertha to dinner, she declines.

Scene:Annabeth and Frederick - Frederick tells Annabeth he's in love with her. Walks her home

Scene:Khel emerges from the cave, is a mad man. Tries to walk through the cave out side, can't do it.

Scene:Girls going through the marketplace, beset upon by BMU, including Chennyth herself. Tiberius tackled, Circe pulled into a tent. Chennyth comes straight for Hathor Kate. Tiberius wrestles, puts his sword through the chest of one of the turned Felixi, pins him to the ground. Circe binds the other one, Circe tells Tiberius to get the girls out of here.

Chennyth right on Hathor Kate's tail, Hathor Kate tries to slice through a tent to escape, Chennyth yanks the knife out of Hathor Kate's hand. Words exchanged, Chennyth tries to convince Hathor Kate that she will make Hathor Kate powerful, she's not going to hurt her. Hathor Kate tells her to bugger off, Chennyth tries to do something to her magically. Hathor Kate disappears.

SolomonBrand called, goes to try to find Hathor Kate, Circe or Chennyth. Everything is basically over by the time SolomonBrand arrives. Chennyth bailed when Circe cornered her. Can't contact Hathor Kate, Can't find her. Aion comes, can't locate her in the area. Suspects that Hathor Kate has traveled correctly and fully, but there's no way to track her.

Madness, all magic users gathered... Mages, Felixi, all Priests, including Cleopatra, 15 Travelers, all Awakened, both Seidhrs. SolomonBrand gives orders for the magic users to search, divide up the world. Aion was able to speak briefly with Hathor Kate, pine trees with rocky ground.

Hathor Kate being bombarded by everyone trying to contact her. Eventually heads a direction where she can see a small shimmer. Ends up by a campsite with a fire burning, food cooking. Just as Hathor Kate is about to go steal the food, from her periphery, she sees a monstrous looking creature looming over her "What are you doing?" Hathor Kate scrambles away, creature pursues. "Hathor Kate! What are you doing here?" Hathor Kate replies "Khel?"


SolomonBrand calls the heads of the orders, and tells them that "It's unreasonable to expect that your members will continue to look for Hathor Kate forever. We have assurances from the Gods of the Cheironic Order that Hathor Kate is Safe. Tell your members that if they wish to cease looking, do so with nothing but my greatest thanks and appreciation." Aion and the Awakened will continue, as will the Heliopolitans.

Gretchen tells SolomonBrand to do whatever Aerin asks him to do. SolomonBrand agrees, while Aerin is healing SolomonBrand, SolomonBrand realizes that the word that Aion heard wasn't "kill", it was "Khel". SolomonBrand calls Cleo, she takes SolomonBrand to the place where Khel is, and he's not there. Cleo and SolomonBrand follow the tracks left by Khel and Hathor Kate, and Hathor Kate runs to meet SolomonBrand and jumps in his arms. SolomonBrand brings Hathor Kate home, Khel refuses to come home. Khel says he's been told where to go for the next leg of his journey.

SolomonBrand asks the heads of the orders if they know of any of the caretakers that were priests at the time when Toth Barrickea was sacked. They don't know.

Aion comes to get Hathor Kate the next day.

Tiberius shares ice cream from his favorite place, SolomonBrand takes some to Khel, talks with him. Khel tells SolomonBrand that he's thought about trying to kill himself by throwing himself off the side of a cliff or a steep pathway. Things get heated between Khel and SolomonBrand, Khel tells SolomonBrand that Khel feels angry with everyone who said "I know what you're going through.. I once did {this thing}, and I had to get through it." SolomonBrand apologizes, but Khel doesn't hear it. Khel talks about the Cave and how he lost his mind. How he had to suffer. SolomonBrand tells Khel that he doesn't have to be angry, Khel said that he wants to be. SolomonBrand tells Khel that he'd be good company for his twin, then. SolomonBrand talks to Khel about how he doesn't have to do this alone, and that SolomonBrand has had help every step of the way to get where he is. SolomonBrand tells Khel that he's afraid that the kids have gotten an unrealistic expectation of needing to do things by themselves and being too proud to ask for help.

They argue, SolomonBrand leaves, but turns around immediately and comes back. SolomonBrand drags Khel to his feet and puts a dagger in Khel's Hand and says "You talk about killing someone.. here's your chance. Me.. you... just do it." Khel throws the knife away and says "Didn't mean to trouble you with my feelings."<very, very snotty and sassy> SolomonBrand tells Khel to grow up. SolomonBrand says (paraphrasing)"You think you're the only one here with hurt feelings? Do you think you're the only one who wants to feel angry about something? I'm not allowed - I just have to be your punching bag, and take everything you throw at me. Telling me how I've failed you as your father." SolomonBrand also tells Khel "You now know the answer to your question about whether you'll kill yourself or not. You just made the decision, so any time that question comes up, you don't have to wonder, you've already decided." <there was a lot more said... these are the important parts, I think>

SolomonBrand tells the family that Khel is not well. Asks them to pray for him. Family moves to Byblos and stays there for the three weeks leading up to the northern masters.

Scene:Cleo comes to visit Khel, sees that he's got someone, but Khel tries to pass it off as a shepherd girl. Happens several times. They move from the camping spot, Khel is too nervous by the rock face.

[Scene:[Arimus]] blames Webster for the death of Phillipe, expels Webster from the court.

Scene:Hathor Kate is voted upon by the Awakened circle, and is advanced from "Raised" to "Chosen". Hathor Kate will be a titled noble in Hereward. Hathor Kate made to swear to be Ku-Aya's servant and apprentice. Ku-Aya begins teaching Hathor Kate, and discovers she's exceptionally adept. Hathor Kate proves that by traveling to many different locations with Ku-Aya.

Scene:Khel meets Kasmi, finally gets him to stay and not flee. Kasmi asks Khel if he really wants to be magical, or if he wants a normal life, unmuted by a long life of magic. Khel decides to ask for his magic back.


Meli agrees to come to a few events at the Northern Masters.

Meli tells SolomonBrand that she saw Khel at the Cloister, but didn't think to tell him about it.

SolomonBrand Offers thanks to Anubis, gets an empty feeling... later discovers it's because Khel is no longer under Anubis' care...changing house?

SolomonBrand meets Cleo at the house in Byblos <still need a name for this one>. Cleo tells SolomonBrand that Khel returned 10 days ago, and made Cleo promise not to say anything for 10 days. Moms have already tried to contact Khel, and he didn't respond.

One by one, Khel contacts his parents, and apologizes.

The Family gets to the Northern Masters, and discovers it's cold. They end up in Dark Cry, because all the coats are sold out in Long Year. SolomonBrand watches the adoration for his daughter Shara as she interacts with the people.

Opening ceremonies are brief. Preliminaries begin that day. Taman, Adota and Treestump all win.

Amren Reese stops at the box where the Uru-Meshenti family is gathered. In a loud voice, says "Lady Shara Uru-Meshenti, I fight in your name and for your affections. Will you give me a token?" Shara is embarrassed. Amren loses the match.

Opening dinner goes well. Visits with Nelson and Selah. SolomonBrand gifts Nelson a flask of the new liquor, made from the Barrick Agave. Selah not aging as quickly as she ought. <new canon - bloodlines can be like the Dunedain>

SolomonBrand visits Webster, who's sitting alone. Discovers that Webster's been kicked out of court. SolomonBrand and Webster discuss the possible succession of the throne of Oerendia.

  • Connold Arimus' brother. Not married, so presents a similar challenge - there's no heir to continue.
  • Andrew possible?
  • Frederick rules over combined country.
  • Prince Rainold. Arimus' cousin.
  • Great grandfather Stenyl.
  • Duke Hallas. Another close family line. Probably will divide the country. Most likely possibility. Webster says Hallas needs a dagger through his ears.

Second day - Taman, Adota and Treestump all win. Amren does the same thing for Shara's affection, Shara responds by giving him a handkerchief, and a kiss on the cheek, over the railing. Amren gets unseated comically.

Dinner with The Lightning Bearer royals, and the Miiltaani royals goes well.

Scene:Khel has a conversation with Cleo - "Don't tell my family" I have more to do

Scene:Khel visits Gretchen in the Cloister, tells her it's time to take his trials. Gretchen rebuffs him and then goes to verify. She comes back and alters the instructions. Counsels him about no bad blood in the order

Scene:Khel is alone in a slot canyon near Toth Barrickea, apologizes to Tiberius. Gretchen comes to wake him and tell him it's time for his trials.

Scene:Annabeth is invited to sing with Wyatt Wanderweaver and the group. Sings a song called "Why are the Red Birds Red?". She holds a note at the end, then others can't seem to find her after the show. Slight panic, eventually see her sitting where she was, but Annabeth is dazed and confused. Annika helps her to her room, posts guards outside the door and instructs them not to let her go missing. The next morning, Annabeth is the same condition. <Darren thinks she broke through>


SolomonBrand wakes up with a weirdness in his head... like pressure, but not quite. Ahmine also has it.

SolomonBrand sees report of finances for Business that shows recovery for real.

Convo with Lagertha - invited to watch wrestling. Also extended legit and official invite to her to teach, and if she doesn't want to do that, she can train SolomonBrand. Lagertha tells SolomonBrand to get Treestump to agree to her training, she'll come teach.

Treestump and Taman faced off with each other - Treestump won.

Nelson explains that the deal with the Räddvarg could be that they were effing with him, or that they didn't recognize the magic of the pouch.

SolomonBrand summoned by Hightide (serving now as CAMU with Sosamenes.) Gathers family, and Aerin, who confirms that Annabeth has broken through. The parents go to see Anayer. Annabeth is taken right then to begin her training. Assigned as apprentice to Dorralennix, who is a young traveler. Pressure in SolomonBrand and Ahmine's head goes away.

At a youth party, Shara is pursued by competing rivals, Amren Reese and Baron Zish. Amren cannot hold his liquor, and eventually Zish kind of flames out. Aggamemnon stands up to Amren and tells him to go home. Zish returns, and asks Shara to accompany him on a walk. At the same party, Tiberius is beset upon by Lady Reena Walker of Miiltaan and a group of young women. Chloe Gawain is mixed up in their group, but doesn't look happy. Tiberius suggests that the group goes and talks to someone else. As Chloe leaves, Tiberius gently grabs her wrist, and they end up talkign for a bit. The two find they have quite a bit in common, and it strenghtens their relationship.

Khel completes first and second trials, immediately enters the 3rd.


KhelKherty comes home. SolomonBrand notices his dark streak, speaks with him one night, SolomonBrand tells KhelKherty to get it out of his system before he takes a title of nobility.

SolomonBrand has a conversation with Set, after Set slams the doors of his temple. Tells SolomonBrand of KhelKherty's darkness and that he struggles. Advises SolomonBrand to help KhelKherty harness his darker side.

SolomonBrand met all teachers from school, some of the competitors. Arranged an informal lunch for everyone.

Dukes' meetings begin. Paul is granted hereditary title of Earl and also granted a count title in house Lumens. Paul chooses Earldom in Bish.

SolomonBrand goes to see Vordai after he hears she's not doing well. Calls Seidhrs to help, Nelson sees a drain in Vordai's Universal Center. Webster comes, takes Vordai to La Place du Sages, Merlin ends up chaining Vordai to Stone of Justice to stop her from leaking out.

Dinner for everyone assembled. Misunderstanding, but turns out really good. 150 peeps at Richards Street house. At about 1:30, SolomonBrand shuts the party down.

Conversation about SolomonBrand's continued involvement in politics. Decided that SolomonBrand will retain ancestral Duke titles for both houses, As soon as KhelKherty and Tiberius are ready, they will be named Earl Foreston and Earl Emberton, respectively. Will enter training to become acting Duke for respective houses.

During the Dukes' meetings, Orson announced Nicodemus' engagement to Chloe Gawain. Info about "shah" from Hereward revealed. It's a street drug.

Ahmine's baby is Born. Met 2 Travelers, Doxie and Oana. Name for baby is Vaydra Dhjemani.

Hathor Kate gets to come home and see her new sister.


Ahmine meets with Rond Tulger, the Earl chosen by the Duchess to handle the affairs while Ahmine is recovering from childbirth. SolomonBrand and Ahmine discuss the meaning of "Trust, but verify".

Dukes' meetings end, and SolomonBrand brings KhelKherty and Tiberius into an office to have them report on the meetings. Crime rate is rising, faster than the growth of the population. This is true everywhere except for Toth Barrickea. Theories are discussed, including that the Kelpie are there and are enough of a presence to deter crime. Other theories are that the Kelpie themselves are running a crime ring. Colleen stands and would have drawn her sword, except no weapons are allowed in the presence of the King.

SolomonBrand speaks to his sons for a while. They talk about marriage and other topics. SolomonBrand then goes to speak to Cleopatra. Cleopatra accuses SolomonBrand of avoiding her. The two meet at a location which ends up being on the northern coast of Dinas Emprys. The two discuss openly their feelings and clear the air about Khel and Cleopatra hooking up. They agree that they should remain distant for now, both of them having been told by Heliopolis that they are not destined for each other as mates. Cleopatra shows SolomonBrand a really neat cave that is completely unknown to anyone else.

Annabeth comes out to meet Dorralennix in the training hall, kisses Dorralennix on the lips. Dorralennix asks what it was for, Annabeth replies that she thought Dorralennix would like it, since they are together. Dorralennix thanks Annabeth, and the two walk to an assembly where Anayer is speaking. After the rousing speech, Anayer makes his way to Annabeth and Dorralennix. Anayer addresses Annabeth and tells her that _today_ she will have the experience where her memories return. Later, in Fanos, the pair happen across a group of bards, singing "Why is the Rose Red?". Annabeth remembers the words, and remarks that this was the first thing she's actually remembered. Annabeth and Dorralennix both wonder if this is the thing that Anayer was referencing. At 11:59:35 that evening, Annabeth suddenly sits upright in bed, and has an event where her memories begin to return to her.

Hathor Kate is too fast at learning, and it's causing Ku-Aya some stress. Aion calms her down, reminding Ku-Aya that even if Hathor Kate learns all of the magic, there is still the matter of learning (Aion looks around to make sure they are not being overheard) the ways of Lady Ananke. This is a task that no person can learn as quickly as Hathor Kate is learning magic.

Word reaches SolomonBrand that Arimus is in his final days, and goes to see Rhantic. After a short discussion and some preparation, SolomonBrand takes Rhantic to Oerendia to be with her mother and father. Orson, Frederick, Andrew, Owen, and Judith are brought by Sosamenes to the Oerendine palace an hour later. Sosamenes received instructions from SolomonBrand to stay with the royal family while they are in Oerendia.

There is a reunion through tears, though Arimus was a man that kept people at arms' length. Rhantic says nice words about Arimus as her father.

Arimus dies, his body is covered with a blanket of woven gold. The chamberlain, Michel removes from Arimus' finger the royal seal, and says "The King is dead. Long live the King!" as he places the ring on Connold's finger. Connold receives pledges of fealty. Orson stops Frederick from pledging, but allows Andrew and Owen to make the pledge. Rhantic and Mara also make the pledge, as do the other people in the room.

SolomonBrand asks Merlin about Vordai, and receives news that Merlin doesn't know how to fix the magical injury. SolomonBrand goes to the House of Books to begin reading about magical injuries. There is no information yet, so SolomonBrand will continue to look for information.

SolomonBrand asks Melisande how her task is going. It's not going well, though Melisande has narrowed down the selection of orders to Olympus. That is the order to which Akhenaten the priest was elevated as a caretaker. SolomonBrand tells Melisande to ask Horus to find out from Ra whether the other orders can know about their inquiries or not. If it's allowed by Ra to have the other orders know, SolomonBrand has a way forward. Melisande receives word that if there's no other way, telling the other orders about their quest is acceptable. SolomonBrand goes to the temple of Athena late in the evening, and supplicates, asking the goddess to grant him information, in exchange for a favor from SolomonBrand.


Scene - Annabeth remembers. Confronts Dorralennix. Dorralennix explains to Annabeth about some people taking advantage, so Dorralennix discouraged them by 'claiming' Annabeth. Annabeth recalls her parents names and thinks Annika is her sister. Dorralennix doesn't confirm anything of which Annabeth isn't positive.

Ahmine has spoken with Dorralennix, the family knows that Annabeth has begun to regain her memories.

SolomonBrand is summoned to Athena's temple by way of one of the Athenai. SolomonBrand kneels, Athena gives him grief for being so formal. SolomonBrand asks Athena to arrange a meeting of the caretaker who was formerly Akhenaten and Melisande. Athena asks what SolomonBrand offers, so SolomonBrand thinks about what he can offer. SolomonBrand offends/ hurts Seshat by asking what a goddess might want that only SolomonBrand can provide. SolomonBrand returns to Athena, and offers several things, Athena finally accepts the offer for SolomonBrand to provide a copy of or the actual book which is referred to as "The Compendium". SolomonBrand begins to transcribe the book. Working 3 hours in the middle of the day, and then 2 hours at night, SolomonBrand averages about 1/3 page per hour.

SolomonBrand receives the official invitation for the coronation of the new king of Oerendia. It's to be held 3 days after the memorial service for Arimus. KhelKherty, Tiberius, Menekeradayon, and Melisande travel with SolomonBrand to the combined events. The group attends the memorial service with no unusual events. While at a traditional somber dinner, SolomonBrand realizes he should have invited the Rimbauds to spend some time with them. SolomonBrand goes to the home of Steadig, and invites all of them to come with him. They agree, and SolomonBrand and Tiberius agree to help them finish their work.


Lukesh Apollo is born

BJ a la Melisande

Long convo and flity with Menekeradayon


Scene - KhelKherty beating up drug dealers, ends up killing the dealer, gets jumped by 4 thugs. Takes a knife through his arm. Aerin heals him, then jumps on him and they make out for a while. Aerin comes to look at Circe - Keeps looking at KhelKherty the whole morning.

Circe is feeling tired - small internal bleeding, but Aerin says Circe may not be able to bear any more children - eggs are all consumed, there are no more. SolomonBrand and Circe discuss having one more quickly before they can't do any more.

Talk with KhelKherty - trying to help him with his darkness. Gives him some advice and bracers to help keep him safe. SolomonBrand tells KhelKherty that the night routine will end up causing him issues as a Duke. KhelKherty argues, SolomonBrand reminds him of political enemies looking for any way to get at SolomonBrand, including through KhelKherty.

Rimbauds agree to move to Foreston, SolomonBrand sends a ship for them. Plans to meet them in Foreston in a month.

SolomonBrand investigates a shrine he heard about. Huge, tall trees like a godswood. Sense of foreboding, takes 2 steps into the clearing in the trees, everything is unnaturally silent. Structure in the middle - covered with lichen, but there are runes exposed. SolomonBrand feels like his magic is not working, and that he's not really there. He can touch and see himself, can also summon fire, etc. SolomonBrand takes a rubbing of the runes, hearing rustling behind him everything he does. Tells Shara about the runes, she translates it to be something about Tyr's place, and an army of the damned falling to footsteps of doom.

Arrive at Synhoven in prep for the wedding. Present in party is KhelKherty, Tiberius, Shara, Melisande, Mirabella, Aggamemnon, Menekeradayon, and Ariadne. SolomonBrand receives a package - an invitation and a wrapped item to be opened later. There is a boat sailing at 9 am the next morning which SolomonBrand is to be on.


Scene - Frexhia and an unknown man, looks to be a brother, a twin, perhaps. Discussing money and the running of the place.

SolomonBrand receives a letter from Frexhia inviting him to come back and spend coin.

SolomonBrand speaks with his family at breakfast about the events, shows the letter. They discuss somewhat concerning these happenings. It's close to the time when the family needs to go for the cleansing rituals in prep for the wedding. SolomonBrand takes his three daughters, Mirabella, Menekeradayon, and Ariadne with him, and they go through the rituals. Rhantic accompanies the three girls into the baths, and cares for them.

SolomonBrand has conversations with Nicodemus and Orson. With Nicodemus, SolomonBrand recommends honesty and open trust for his new marriage...don't require Chloe to be monogamous if Nicodemus will not be. They speak of the sexy times between the Royals and the Uru-Meshentis. With Orson, SolomonBrand discusses light topics, it's obvious that Orson has a lot on his mind, needs to talk through with SolomonBrand. SolomonBrand agrees to come over that night so they can talk.

SolomonBrand shows up at Luminex estate, servants are bedecked in the Duchal livery. SolomonBrand and Orson speak at length of the growing rift between Frederick and Orson. SolomonBrand tells Orson about KhelKherty's quest for destruction, as well as about his trials. The two friends discuss Annabeth's choice to be a bard, and how that will negatively affect her as a queen.

Conversation with Melisande about her not feeling comfortable where she is. Remarked how Poseidon took an interest and spent time with her. Why can't other Caretakers in our order do the same?

Spoke with Ra about Melisande's issues, he said that SolomonBrand was right - the Osireion is an ancient magical artifact. It's a remnant of the old order. Dwelling places of the 6 orders exist on the physical plane, but tend to want to be hidden from mortal eyes. The closer Melisande gets to the Osireion, the further from natural eyes she becomes. This is true for Caretakers' eyes, as well. Described a cycle of trying to catch up to her, but she slips out of reach of the care. SolomonBrand asked Ra to tell him anything that should not be frankly shared with Melisande, was told to be as frank as possible.

Ra also told SolomonBrand of the meaning of the bracelet and the necklace he and Ahmine received from the Caretakers. The artifacts would mean that any person who comes into the care of SolomonBrand and Ahmine would feel themselves a part of the family, as SolomonBrand and Ahmine are the parents of the house.


Only sincere congratulations are exchanged between the Uru-Meshenti family and the newlyweds. There's no hard feelings anywhere.

Tiberius accompanies KhelKherty on his nightly madness. Reports to SolomonBrand that He turns a little animalistic. Madness engulfs KhelKherty, Tiberius likens it to a drug-induced fervor. It's like KhelKherty's an addict.

Family returns home, gets to greet Moms. Tales of the time away are told. SolomonBrand and Circe discuss their future family... it may be time to try for one more child before Circe's eggs are all gone.

SolomonBrand asks Melisande to speak with him the next day, they plan lunch together.

SolomonBrand goes to speak with Lord Set, Set tells SolomonBrand that KhelKherty was not told, nor compelled specifically to stamp out drug traffic. Set agrees when SolomonBrand suggests that it's time to pass the Shard of Set to KhelKherty. Sb is given permission to discuss things with KhelKherty plainly, including telling KhelKherty that SolomonBrand spoke with Set directly. SolomonBrand also asks for help in showing memories to KhelKherty. SolomonBrand is directed to Thoth.

In Thoth's temple, SolomonBrand is met by Thoth, who asks SolomonBrand to get a stone...something SolomonBrand wouldn't mind carrying around. SolomonBrand finds a suitable stone, and returns to the altar, where Thoth pours power into the stone. So much power is poured, that Pharaoh's Mantle is forced upon SolomonBrand. Thoth sees Pharaoh, and apologizes. Tells Pharaoh that the stone will remain on the altar for SolomonBrand.

Pharaoh visits KhelKherty and stops him from beating one of the drug dealers any more. "Son of Set, that is enough. You will deliver a message to your mother. Your father has been called by Heliopolis, and will not be home until he completes his responsibility." KhelKherty obeys, wakes Ahmine, then goes to bed. Ahmine smells the blood on KhelKherty.

Pharaoh visits Gretchen, they discuss having the Priests and Priestesses be more active in the service of the Ennead. Since Pharaoh isn't privileged to have a member of the order ion his house, it's Pharaoh's responsibility to ensure the other caretakers in the Ennead have the devotion they deserve. It's almost a 1:1 ratio of Caretakers to Priests and Priestesses. Pharaoh sees that Ossian is about to draw a doorway to the Cloister, and that Ossian should not see Pharaoh right now. Pharaoh asks Gretchen to meet him in the top of the Seven Pillars. Pharaoh also asks the order to take a participative role in the upcoming Festival of the Revels. Gretchen agrees to speak with the order to relay the messages. Pharaoh asks for a personal favor... tell Melisande SolomonBrand will not be able to meet.

Pharaoh donates the remainder of the mantle's power to Anubis, then goes to Thoth's temple to be reawakened as SolomonBrand.

SolomonBrand retrieves the stone, and asks Thoth for instructions about how to use it. The stone will allow SolomonBrand to transfer a memory to KhelKherty one time only. SolomonBrand concentrates on the stone, imprints the memory. KhelKherty concentrates on the enmemoried stone, and will experience the memory as if it was his. KhelKherty will know it's not his memory, but it will feel real. Stone is to be discarded afterwards.

Scene: Annabeth and Dorralennix chatting. Annabeth gets a HUGE burst of memories, including all about her family, their magicalness, and their names. Also remembers Frederick, that they were basically engaged, and that he's crown prince. Annabeth calls for Ahmine at the end of the scene.

Scene: Hathor Kate stomping into see Aion. Aion tells Hathor Kate that she has someone in her office, and Hathor Kate will need to wait for a few minutes. When the door opens again, there stands Ku-Aya. Hathor Kate and Aion discuss what's going on, and Hathor Kate realizes at the end of the conversation that she will need to be patient, since the magic of The Awakened affects reality directly. Hathor Kate agrees and returns with Ku-Aya.

Scene: Ambrett is a sheep herder girl. Following one of her sheep that's wandering towards the Osireion. Melisande steps out on the path, seemingly appearing from nowhere. Ambrett and Melisande become friends. They picnic from time to time. Gretchen comes to deliver a message for Melisande, meets Ambrett.


Convo with Melisande. SolomonBrand told Melisande that she has to destroy the Osireion. Doesn't sit well. No arguments, but Melisande stands up and leaves the table.

Convo with Kera. Kera has been acting out a little bit. SolomonBrand finally gets Kera to tell him that she prefers girls to boys. As They start discussing, SolomonBrand is summoned to the Seven Pillars for a report on the task of the Magical Artifacts. Melisande was summoned there, as well.

SolomonBrand provided Osiris a list of the artifacts, along with a recommendation as to whether each would be destroyed or returned. Melisande mentioned that Poseidon, who was once named Akhenaten had additional artifacts that he recommended should be destroyed.

Resumed convo with Kera. SolomonBrand found Kera in the market. They talked for a while, and SolomonBrand showed Kera that no freaking out would take place. Because of some conversations with Melisande, SolomonBrand asked Kera if it was because she felt like girls were safe, since she was forced into sex acts with men before. Kera explained that she wanted SolomonBrand to be her first, so that she could get it over with, and see if she really did prefer girls to boys.

Convo with KhelKherty. SolomonBrand and KhelKherty traveled to Fountain Home in Van Oerendia's foreign nobility district. The conversation quickly turned into KhelKherty trying desperately not to explode. SolomonBrand explained that there was no judging going on, and that Set had commanded SolomonBrand to help KhelKherty harness his darkness. KhelKherty explained that there were 2 persons inside him. Sometimes he felt like Khel was still there, but the angry one... the one that was angry all the time and went about beating people up was KhelKherty.

SolomonBrand explained to KhelKherty about the stone, and that he hoped that it would help KhelKherty. SolomonBrand extracted a promise that there would be no fighting and beatings for 2 days. SolomonBrand tried to get KhelKherty to come find SolomonBrand when he needed a release, and SolomonBrand would take him to the desert or something to let him expel his rage. KhelKherty refused. SolomonBrand drew a doorway without telling KhelKherty where it led, and said "You'll have to trust me on this one." SolomonBrand taught KhelKherty about the chalice of power in Set's temple. They supplicated together, and then SolomonBrand left KhelKherty there, having shut the doors to the temple, and instructing the sisters that he was to be left alone.

Scene - the six in council discussing the artifacts. It's decided that the approach for handling the artifacts is sound. Zeus is supposed to visit Poseidon and discover the nature and specifics of the artifacts Poseidon has hidden. The council will then reconvene and decide whether to destroy them or not.

Scene - Ambrett and Melisande Ambrett pushing Melisande to show her the Osireion. Melisande told Ambrett that perhaps she will not be living here much longer.


Convo with Gretchen about the field in Toth Barrickea - No plans for using it for administration building yet. Also discussed the plans to have the members of the magical order be more involved in the Festival of the Revels. SolomonBrand is to be a rover, talking about Heliopolis wherever he can.

Convo with Mariah and Colleen about the field. SolomonBrand offers its use to them. Not sure how to make best use of it, so Mariah agrees to go investigate it

The preparation of the Memory stone. SolomonBrand tries to remember everything he can of the memory of the siege on Toth Barrickea

The imprinting of the stone - When SolomonBrand concentrates on the stone, he is pulled into it as if he's falling into a well. He lives through the memory in exact detail several times, and then finally the memory is closed like a book, and SolomonBrand is brought out of the magic.

SolomonBrand writes a letter and leaves it along with the stone for KhelKherty.

Readying the field - SolomonBrand gets Shara and the pair of them spend much of the day creating a deep cistern with magical flame, and a sewer system beneath the roads. The sewer will service 8 plots of land, 15 meters square. The sewers are spaced every 32 meters apart, beneath the roadways.

The first master planned city - SolomonBrand prepares a document to describe the process and thinking behind the master planning of the new city and submits it to Wynnd archives, after he showed it to Nelson.

Inviting the northern neighbors - While Nelson is there viewing the field, he tells SolomonBrand that he'll be relegated to one of the tents in the field. SolomonBrand won't have any of that, and invites him and his family to join the Uru-Meshentis at the Four Corners, in the Blue house. SolomonBrand instructs Jane to prepare the whole house, in case more guests are found to be staying in the fields.

The conversation with Melisande - SolomonBrand asks if she's doing ok after their talk a couple of days ago. Everything's ok.

The conversation with the wives about Melisande and Kera - SolomonBrand, Ahmine, and Circe are in bed, catching up on the news. Kera overheard them speaking about her, and Circe noticed Kera at the door. Circe invited the teenager in, and they talked for a moment, with Kera cuddled up to her parents.

The conversation with KhelKherty. SolomonBrand and KhelKherty travel to the middle of the desert, where SolomonBrand produces the Shard of Set and shows it to KhelKherty. SolomonBrand tells the story of how this came into being, and how it came to SolomonBrand. SolomonBrand also tells the story of uncovering the temple of Horus, and that it took all of SolomonBrand's power to uncover it. SolomonBrand reaffirms that he is the hands of the six orders, though he belongs to Heliopolis. They talk about a great many things. SolomonBrand encourages KhelKherty to approach those whom he feels have offended him and tell them that they have hurt him. KhelKherty is apprehensive, and seems unwilling to do that. KhelKherty references multiple times that he thinks perhaps he's "being a baby" and should just get over his hurt feelings. SolomonBrand tries to convince him that he needs what he needs to get through it, and no other person can dictate what he needs.

The conversation is much more pleasant than last time. KhelKherty asks what is in the memory that SolomonBrand has extracted, and eventually, SolomonBrand tells him general ideas of the memory, despite not wanting to color the interpretation of it. They finish on an amicable note, and they part ways, KhelKherty saying he needs to take care of something.


Arrived at the Festival, greeted the Odinstorn family. Gabriel showed up as a surprise.

Melisande wanted to talk, so took SolomonBrand to a nice beach by the river. It was located over a couple mountain range from the Osireion. Melisande told SolomonBrand that she'd made a decision and wants to destroy the Osireion. Afterwards, they started to discuss their relationship, and Melisande pushed SolomonBrand to the ground and sat on his face. They talked for a while about the nature of the relationship SolomonBrand wanted, and Melisande asked what was wrong with having casual sex. Before anything else could happen, though, both Ahmine and Circe would need to accept her, not as a nameless side piece, but in full knowledge.

Came back, had a long, lazy day by the pool. Shara came after her shift at the festival was done, and as she was getting out of the pool, she discovered that her clothing had turned completely transparent. She summoned a wrap as if it was vapor, and used it to cover up.

That night, Ahmine was a bit drunk, and was being quite silly as SolomonBrand talked to his wives about Melisande. He told them both about the BJ he received, and Ahmine was curious about how it all went down. SolomonBrand recounted the flirting from Kera during the coronation of Connold, the new king of Oerendia. Both wives were surprised at how long SolomonBrandhad gone without release during that time. Both Ladies emphatically accepted Melisande, even as part of their marriage, making her the 4th member, if that's what happened. Fade to black as the throuple celebrated the fact that it was a year ago, in this bedroom when they decided to all be together.

The family went out into the City for the festival, and met Colleen and Mariah. they talked a while. KhelKherty spotted some people he knew were dealing shah. SolomonBrand wanted to take KhelKherty out that night. It had been several days that KhelKherty hadn't been out at night.

"Hunting" with KhelKherty. Cleo came with, in case she was needed if either SolomonBrand or KhelKherty went off the rails. KhelKherty tricked the dealers into thinking he was an addict, changing his whole posture to be like a strung out loser. SolomonBrand and Cleopatra stayed close. In a blur of speed, KhelKherty took the bouncer into the tent, and began incapacitating the occupants of the tent. SolomonBrand joined them, binding them magically. The main dealer made out who SolomonBrand was, and SolomonBrand kind of took things over, in an effort to show KhelKherty how it was done. Dealer said he had a wagon full of drugs (along with all his other stuff). SolomonBrand pushed the wagon through a doorway leading to a cliff in Serosian. SolomonBrand took the dealer out into the street and paraded him around a bit, exclaiming the crimes of the dealer. He called on the people assembled to drive the dealer out of town. Kelpie patrolling picked all of the occupants of the tent up and took them to prison.

SolomonBrand took KhelKherty to where the wagon was pushed, and they disposed of the wreckage. lore: so much of the rocks were burned that sailors will see it and wonder what happened there. After disposing of the wreckage, SolomonBrand and KhelKherty talked about the events. SolomonBrand told KhelKherty he'd have charges levied against him. Later, he relayed the same thing to Tiberius, and both sons were surprised by this. KhelKherty was confused, and SolomonBrand tried to clear things up. SolomonBrand showed KhelKherty that he was able to summon the darkness, use it, and let it go. Afterwards, SolomonBrand supplicated Set, and received an answer from the Caretaker saying that what SolomonBrand had done tonight will go a long way towards helping KhelKherty.


Scene - The Six discussing lost artifacts, including the Chalices. Poseidon has one artifact he wishes to transfer to someone when it's appropriate - some conversation about articles of office

Scene- Chennyth and Nimue discussing why it has to be Hathor Kate who runs the chalice. It's not the Chalice of Domination that controls everything - it's the Chalice of Suffering.

Cornelius, Pashra, Nicodemus, and Chloe Luminex are invited to the Four Corners for the evening. Cornelius asks SolomonBrand why he's not hosting parties every night in "The poshest digs in the city", the Four Corners. SolomonBrand explains it's because that house is his family's refuge and where his babies are sleeping.

Khel, Mirabella, Shara, and Tiberius go out. Meet Creeson Shale again. He's a usual a-hole. Tries to kiss Mirabella, Khel takes him out back, and after some exchanges of words, darkness falls on Khel, and Creeson's innards are outards. Shara comes at Khel's request, takes care of the body, Khel goes to clean up, then heads to the temple of Set. The mantle of Set's herald descends on Khel as he approaches the temple, and is left alone as Khel enters. Set explains to Khel what this means, and that he is the herald... meaning when he feels this descend, he is acting on Set's behalf, and is punishing those who need to be punished. Set also told Khel not to be afraid to let his own darkness punish evil doers.

Set tells Khel it's time to see the memory that SolomonBrand prepared for him. Khel witnesses/ experiences the memory, and, upon returning, Set asks what he has learned. Khel replies "I am not the man my Father is." Set replies "Few are." Khel learns the lesson SolomonBrand intended, and is prepared for greater things.

Khel tells SolomonBrand about the events, and they embrace. SolomonBrand tells Khel during the conversation that he, himself, SolomonBrand was the Herald of Set, even until now. SolomonBrand feels like his son has returned in earnest during the embrace. SolomonBrand tells his wives the good news. There, at the music stages is Marcus, Ivory, and their daughter Charlotte. Aggie is chatting her up, and she's being nice to him. Khel returns, and Aggie's face falls. He knows she only has eyes for Khel. SolomonBrand and Aggie go for a walk, and Aggie tells his dad that he's got a thing for older women. They talk a little about his 'thing' for Lagertha of Lightning Island. They return.

The royals of Tekampan are invited to the Four Corners, and they swim, having a great time. That night, SolomonBrand goes out with his wives, while Meli goes home to check on something. SolomonBrand asks his wives how they'd feel going to meet a goblin prostitute, and the three end up at Frexhia's place. They arrange, are led to, and are introduced to 2 Goblin women. Rhantic, 67 years old, and Peach, 24 years old. The 5 talk for a while, and eventually they part company, not having had any more than conversation.