Ovilia Keff'Ree

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Ovilia Keff'Ree

Ovilia Keff'Ree.JPG

At a glance
Name(s) Kandesol Pelator
Sol Jocal
The Murishani
Lochinvar Avrensis
Sana Beruu
Aeri Tor
Alice Anonymous
Darth Ridas
Title/occupation Heir apparent to Darth Shash
2IC to Sith Sphere of Laws and Justice
Portrayed by Paula Patton
Age 116
Species Human-ish
Gender Female
Force sensitive? Yes
Home/place of origin Capital City, Lothal
Status Living
Known vessel(s) Brutus II
Midnight Sun
Hot Surface II
Enterprise I
Diamond Obelisk
Organizational affiliations Sith Order
Dark Council
Half Moon Freight
Banner Blaze
Asmarian Corp
Personal relationships Daughter of E'Kella Keff'Ree
Daughter of Kyylibret Lukkel
Sister of Ahn-Ton Kenobi
Former Romantic Partner to Jovan Lewall
Former Romantic Partner to Chirette Gree
Former Romantic Partner of Adella
Romantic Partner of Hondo of Alderaan
Mother figure to Kika M'Lee
Mother figure to Lu'Peng
Master of Collette Kell

Character Overview

A potent Force user, Ovilia Keff'Ree is affiliated with several organizations, among them being the Sith Order, and Half Moon Freight.

Physical Appearance

Lady Sith





"Finally, Golix Setron is a Jedi counterpart to you. You tracked him down a couple of years ago while he was likewise hunting you, and you were both overcome with attraction. Every once in a while you had a pretty dirty weekend with him, and he is kind of shady in his dealings, but he is loyal."

Kandesol Pelator is a secret identity Ovilia gave to herself as a way to hide after giving up her memories and disappearing. Only a few individuals know about this identity. That list includes Zapakna, the majority of Half Moon Freight, and Ovilia's Family

Sol Jocal is the name of the second most famous of Ovilia's identities. It was under this name that Ovilia operated as the galaxy's most notorious Bounty Hunter

The Murishani is how Sol Jocal was addressed in tight circles with Udondis

Lochinvar Avrensis name used while capturing Aleetia Dek with Klebb Weel. Also used when delivering the package from Baamba to J'Kuth Dek

Sana Beruu - name used anytime Ovilia was involved with Half Moon Freight or while on Alderaan, or while around Alderaanians

Aeri Tor was in independent investigator. This was one of the last Aliases used by Ovilia before resuming her old identity.

Retchis was the name Ban'tho used when Quaggar was hunting Ovilia.

Ovilia was known for a short time as Alice Anonymous, while she and Adella were on Felucia in the Medical facility. While there, A Sith Healer questioned Ovilia about how Adella came to these injuries. Shortly after Adella/Jane was able to be moved, Ovilia decided to take her to Alderaan.

Darth Ridas is the name Ovilia chose as her new name after being named a Darth.

General details




Specialized / personalized tech and equipment

Favorite drink

Nerve Tonic: Antilles ale with a might of Ruusan orange zest



Ovilia carried a pair of matching sabers with semi-Synthetic crystals. These sabers could be joined together to form a saberstaff, though the blade length shortened when doing so. The length of the individual Lightsabers was just over 1 meter each from Pommel to tip, but when combined, shortened to about 90% of that. The crystals which powered the sabers were forged from a single crystal given as a gift to her by her first Dark Council Mentor, Darth Kallas, head of the Sith Sphere of Technology. This crystal was a trophy kept by Darth Kallas, rumored to be a keepsake of Mandalore the Indomitable. This was often dismissed as a rumor, but Kallas attested to this fact, having spent his life studying the crystal. The council members, in their jealousy of Kallas' dotage on this young Sith, quickly spread rumors of her weakness and unworthiness of the council due to her Blood line being unknown. This caused Kallas to withdraw his patronage from her, fearing that she would drag him down under heavy pressure from the other Darths.


During the forging of their Lightsaber Crystals, many Sith pour as much dark side power into the crystal as possible, turning them Red, as a corruption of the natural lattices. Ovilia chose an Red-orange blade color. Her attempts at coloring her crystals were mocked and dismissed as weakness. Ovilia knew that she has achieved control over this aspect of her life, changing the nature of the power used to tune this crystal. Darth Kallas remarked on its "perfection of symmetry" when referring to the 2 halves forged from the single crystal.

OK Sith Saber.jpg


Sol Jocal had a Specialized set of armor made for her by master armorer, Teemo. Ovilia also commissioned several other armor suits in her various aliases and roles. Some of them are featured below:

Sol's Armor

Bounty Hunter Armor

This armor was worn by Sol as she gathered resources through her employment with the Asmarian Corp, Working for Udondis the Hutt

Sol's hunter armor

Heavy combat armor

This armor was acquired by Sol Jocal in preparation to assault Darth Burdon's starship and fight her way inside. It was never used.

Assault Armor

Sith Operative Armor

This armor went with Ovilia on her many missions of extraction, reconnaissance, sanction, and counterinsurgency. Not as robust as her other armors, it afforded her the ability to move undetected. Designed to fit her form tightly enough that no trace of her was left, this became an extension of her during her missions. The picture below is a little elven. Ovilia's Armor also had a cloak, not a cape. The peaks and spines were not for show, only. They were functional hardpoints for combat or any other multiple uses.

Operative Armor


The many droids Ovilia has owned or currently owns is below:

Protocol Droids

B2 - Female personality, accompanied Kandesol Pelator through many adventures
2 additional unnamed protocol droids, serving aboard various craft for Half Moon


M4 - upgraded and dependable
R16 - acquired with Hot Surface II


2 additional H-K droids in storage aboard the Diamond Obelisk and Brutus

Security droids

ZZ-type security droids: 3 pair
Bulwark-style bastion defense droids: 3 pair

Medical Droids

SRS2 - acquired with Hot Surface II
2 additional medical droids

Loading droids

Many of these.

Maintenance droids

CV68 - acquired with Hot Surface II
many other Maintenance droids