OK recap

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The Pledge A recap into the way that my first apprentice was trained. OK was summoned to Dromund Kaas by Darth Kallas. OK thought she was going to be named Kallas' heir. instead, Ovilia was charged with training an apprentice.. a hotshot in the force. "Darth material" was the term used for Pendo Frane. OK had continued to have meetings and dinners with other politicians, continuing in her ambassadorial role, even though she was not really supposed to be an ambassador. She was to be a judge, and a counterpart to Feline Fazez, and have access to students on Tython, even. She had discussed the archives and accessibility with Master Roehat Oozur. Discussed each org sharing access to the other's archives. OK commed Darth Manoas and asked her for the release of Zarin to OK so that she can present him to the Jedi as a sign of cooperation, and furthering her pursuits to turn Jedi Knight Malia Jakorr. Darth Manoas said she'd consider it. Darth Burdon commed OK and asked her again to make an oath to not pursue any information discovered in the Holocron. OK declined. Malia Jakorr agreed to get OK in a judge's seat Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning next week.

The Turn OK was invited to a social dinner with Luzia and Hondo and some other friends. Ended up holding hands with Luzia the whole night to take attentions away from OK's relationship with Hondo. Luzia admitted that she was not interested in OK sexually, but enjoyed her company. Asked OK to take care of Hondo while she was away. OK arranged for some time to go shopping with Luzia, and also to have the pair of them over for dinner at the palace. OK had indicated that Adella and she would take good care of Hondo. Collette's mission to gather usable intelligence on Malia Jakorr in order to turn her.that continued. OK discovered things about the Massacre of Talastair in which OK thinks she may have been a part and is probably guilty of all of that. It was further revealed that All official records were redacted on the Emperor's Orders.

The Prestige OK received a comm from Adella, indicating that The Pusse had arrived on Coruscant, and Ovilia canceled all her meetings to go and see her family. A great time was had, and, as it was about time to bed Adella down, Kika produced a gift, simply wrapped. When Ovilia opened it, inside was Ovilia's Holocron. Kika revealed that she had gotten it from Darth Burdon's office because Burdon's staff doesn't know Kika no longer works for the Darth. Ovilia commed Darth Shash and asked him to come to Coruscant to arrest/ deal with her once she figured out what was going on in the holocron.


The ceremonies were accomplished, and Ovilia had assumed her new role. Several meetings took place over the next several days.

  • Sisi Gambiss - basic introductions, at the temple. Collette was denied entrance by Ovilia
  • Master Jido Raji - handsome guy, met in the Ambassadorial Palace. discussed views and how to get things done
  • Jedi Malia Jakorr - nuts and bolts of the proceedings and other things.
  • General Gavari Enkows - old acquaintance from Intelligence. "Something's up with you being here." Told Ovilia there's a mole in the office. Ovilia told him about the broadcast streamed to Coruscant
  • Borrus Jaa - old fellow agent, started asking questions about personal relationships and how they were a risk. Ovilia told him that she'd evaluated each relationship and had conversations about how they can be used against her.

Dinner Celebrations Met Republic Chancellor Sheeka OviWeni. Reunited with Hondo and Luzia, got invited to a social afterwards. felt like after the party movement makers left, everyone was like 'Who invited the sith?' Had a falling out with Collette. Eventually reconciled, but was a rough few days